Adventure Comics #9

Writer: James Robinson, Sterling Gates, Eric Trautmann Artist: Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica, Pier Gallo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 31, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

ADVENTURE COMICS ships twice this month as this spring's Superman event "Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes" starts with a prologue in #8 and reaches a boiling point in #9!Starting way back in "The Lightning Saga," various clues have been planted about a group of Legionnaires undercover in the 21st century. Who are they and why are they here? And what does their mission have to do with the fate of New Krypton? James Robinson (SUPERMAN) and Julin Lpez (WORLD'S FINEST) may have an answer or two!Meanwhile, in a tale of the 31st century by Sterling Gates (SUPERGIRL) and Clayton Henry (ADVENTURE COMICS), the Legion of Super-Heroes infiltrates more

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Apr 5, 2010

    So overall this issue's stories all worked on their own. But they also bolstered the overall Last Stand storyline. I thought this worked. It looks like this three-story format continues next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 9, 2010

    I was pretty pleasantly surprised by this comic, especially in light of how much I disliked the last issue. Storywise, nothing really happened to advance the New Krypton/Brainiac storyline, but the little stories that were here were pretty good, especially the last one about the infiltrator. In the end, if you didn't read this comic, you wouldn't be missing much in the Last Stand x-over, but for those of us following the Last Stand x-over, this comic was a worthy addition. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Tyler Parker Mar 31, 2010

    It really does seem like DC has no idea what to do with this book now that Geoff Johns has exited. They're currently trying as hard as they can to fill up 40 pages to help flesh out happenings from a mediocre event book. If this is the most the book has to offer, then I would rather it was cancelled. It's not painstakingly terrible to read, but it is banally pointless. Let's hope they have impending plans of a cohesive direction for this title once The Last Stand of New Krypton wraps up. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Maxwell Yezpitelok Apr 2, 2010

    Maybe its the because of the restrictions of doing 10 page stories within a line-wide storyline, or maybe its because all the writers are guests in this series and probably are simply more invested in their own books, but I feel like none of them are really into it. Come on, youre being paid to write superheroes! Try to have some fun with it and maybe your audience will too. Read Full Review

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