He is called Massacre, and he brings death. What does the soldier in service of Batman Incorporated do when he's met his match? When he's been brought so low and been wounded so badly? What does he do when lost Super Heroes begin turning up as victims? Batwing fights back!
I was ambiguous about the cover of the first issue due to it not having much relation to the story, but issue two treats us with an action filled cover as Massacre and Batwing rush toward each other in battle. The blue backdrop provides contrast to Massacre's earthy colours, and reading the issue it is noticeable that Batwing's safe house, The Haven, also has a blue tinged background. This is an exciting cover that captures what a potential reader can expect to find in the issue. Read Full Review
This book is exciting in a way that I feel a lot of the new DC books failed to manage. The story and art have some missteps, but they are generally of a pretty high caliber. Perhaps most importantly, I'm excited to see what happens next, which is what every story should strive to accomplish. Read Full Review
Visually, this series works. The painted style is very dynamic and the artwork delightful. Read Full Review
If anything, this issue doesn't have enough resolution, but the slower pace (driven largely by the results of last issue) does set up a tense showdown between Massacre and Batwing for the next issue. That issue will be the third issue of this series that I will buy, despite my initial indifference to this title. Read Full Review
You know what? I expected nothing from Batwing. I said to myself that this character was going to last maybe three issues tops, but something happened. Batwing was good, really good, and it ended on one helluva a cliffhanger. So I added the title to my subscription list. Read Full Review
On the negative side, David using the dart gun on Matu seems to be taking things a bit too far for my tastes. Disagreeing with your allies, fine. Attacking them, not so much. Also, this is one of the DC-nU books that feels the need for blood spray and gore, which I'm just not a huge fan of in my hero comics. Winnick's writing here, at least, is several times better than the mess he made of Catwoman. However, if the bloodshed continues at this pace, I'll likely drop this one soon. Read Full Review
Should you buy Batwing #2? Nope. Flip through it at the comic shop. What's dragging down Batwing is that opening shot from Batwing #1. There's no drama in stabbing the hero at the end of issue #1 if we already knew from the first page that he would survive and come back to fight Massacre in a few weeks. There's no drama when the cops show up to shoot Massacre when we know he is going to be fighting Batwing in a few weeks. Judd Winick should've either A)Flashback aspect of the narrative in book #1 or B) Cranked up the pacing of this book. It's a beautifully drawn, predictable chapter in the life of a hero who nobody has a reason to be interested in, yet. Step it up, DC. Read Full Review
New readers should pick up the first issue in the series before they venture into this one as it might be slightly confusing. I know a lot of people have no problem with violence in their books, and neither do I, but I did feel this one to be incredibly mature and that the content was pushing the envelope too far for what it was rated. That said, I still like Batwing and I think he is an interesting character and will probably read issue #3. Read Full Review
Conceptually, the issue has a lot of merit, but the execution falls flat in almost every respect, making it very hard to distinguish itself among the many excellent Bat-titles already on the stands. Read Full Review