Batwing #23

Writer: Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 7, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Luke Foxs personal life is already in turmoil, but as Batwing he must confront a dangerous new threat in the form of assassin for hire Lady Vic as she makes her first appearance in The New 52!

  • 8.2
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Aug 8, 2013

    This issue shows how exciting Batwing can be on a street level, and street level is what need to see more of from a hero like Batwing. Along with his witty dialogue, sarcastic nature, and approach to heroics, it should be an interesting tale as he tests his metal. Just like Nightwing or Batgirl, this is one that is worth picking up because it's just thrilling to see how Batwing will pull himself out of each danger he faces. It looks serious, but at the same time it's one that has fun with the tone. That's what you get from the use of fine penciling that really shows the detail in the characters and the environment. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Aug 7, 2013

    As stated above, this is another fun issue from the new Batwing team in both entertaining story, and great, consistent art. I only wish that perhaps the Marabunta story should have been wrapped up by the end of the last issue, and Lady Vic, the stronger element of this issue, had this one all to herself. At the end of the day, oh well, timing of when foes come and go aside, it was still another good issue, in a line of many for this creative team. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 8, 2013

    There's something charmingly old-school about Batwing, as this title has eschewed its original African locale and transformed into something akin to a modern-day Batman Beyond. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Melissa Grey Aug 7, 2013

    While we're having a jolly good time getting to know this new Batwing -- and we like the cut of his jib so far -- we're holding out hope that his supporting cast of friends and foes will prove a worthy complement. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Aug 7, 2013

    Luke Fox is still a novice and this issue explores his current limitations and how difficult it is to be a masked avenger with a personal life. However, Batwing 2.0 has yet to have a moment that hooks me and makes Batwing feel like a comic that the world of Batman actually needs. It's a series that has potential, but I don't find myself dwelling on it long after finishing an issue nor do I ever get all too excited for the next installment. It's still missing something that makes it feel necessary but it's fun nonetheless. Read Full Review

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