Ambushed by KILLER CROC! The penultimate chapter of TO DROWN THE WORLD reveals the true nature of the villain BATWOMAN has been searching for all this time!
If you need any evidence that Batwoman has every capability to be the equal of its more famous counterpart, look to this issue. It may not be as wildly ambitious in its abstract concepts, but its more grounded tone, if anything, resonates with you eve more. Read Full Review
"Batwoman" stumbled a bit earlier in this storyline, but it's nice to see it regain its footing so quickly. And while there's no doubt in my mind that when read all together "Batwoman" #6-11 will be much stronger than the sum of its parts, it's good that Williams, Blackman and McCarthy are doing their best to make individual issues fun to read, too. Read Full Review
So, I feel as if I'm a broken record, I still don't like this story's format, as it really leaves me wanting more simply because we never have time to really get used to these characters and why we should hate the bad guys. We were thrown right into the fire from issue #6, and there was no real sense of anything building up. That being said, I knew something was going to go down with Sune based on the cover of issue #11, but I wasn't expecting that. I am enjoying these last few issues a tad bit more because everything has escalated with it being wrapped up soon. Finally, Trevor McCarthy's art is fantastic, and really lends itself well to the style and tone that has been set by the book. Said it before, I hope he comes back next time JH Williams needs a break. Read Full Review
I like the current arc of Batwoman. The artwork on this issue was quite well done, and it is an enjoyable experience on its own. I simply have yet to find myself able to respond to the way in which the story is being told of late. I want to be invested in the story, but anticlimactic pacing and storytelling that is seemingly stricken by the hiccups make it so hard to enjoy the plot while I'm reading it. I'll still keep reading this title, but I'm looking forward to the time that the title embraces a more traditional format once again. Read Full Review
So, the character moments that have been the backbone of the series continue to keep the title interesting. The developments here are well scripted and Jacob's confession is far more note worthy than the twist ending. Again the Medusa plot does nothing to interest the reader, it is just a run of the mill story arc that has gone on for too long. The art works but is nothing to write home about. It is a shame but at this moment in time Batwoman continues to be a title that sits firmly in the mediocre category. Read Full Review
This definitely is the weakest issue of Batwoman to date, but Im willing to excuse it because I know that we all are bound to have situational factors affect the work that we do from time-to-time. I still really do recommend this series to everyone, but if you do inevitably pick up this issue or wait for the trade, just know that there is going to be a serious 20 page lull that will end soon enough. Read Full Review