A "GOTHTOPIA" tie-in! We reach a major turning point in the series as the Birds find a new benefactor and a new mission to take down one of the ancient evils of the DC Universe: Ra's al Ghul!
Overall: In all, the book is decent. There's a lot of potential with Mother Eve and Ra's al Ghul bringing some much needed complexities. But as we learned with Red Hood and the Outlaws, complex characters don't always help a story out. At least there's a clear direction for the book. Read Full Review
Birds of Prey #27 is another below average effort. I really want to like this team, but the book just goes nowhere. This promised Gothtopia tie-in is hardly that and instead deals with Condor's origin and Black Canary leaving the team. We do find out the team's mysterious benefactor and it sets up a battle with one of DC's best villains. I just hope the writing and art improve by then. Read Full Review
On the whole this one just sets the status quo as we launch into Gothtopia. There's nothing here you won't glean from the next issue's recap page. Read Full Review
Boring. Nothing really happens, and DC decides to use the magical negro as a plot device.