DC Mech #2

Writer: Kenny Porter Artist: Baldemar Rivas Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
6.9Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

WONDER WOMAN'S WAR MACHINE! Wonder Woman and the Green Lanterns have arrived to help Batman and the Flash stop the invader from the stars known as Superman. The last time mechs from space arrived, they tried to destroy Earth-these heroes won't let that happen again, despite Superman's protests that he's on their side. Hawkwoman, the war mother of Earth, will intervene to prove to Earth's heroes Superman is on their side as Darkseid and Lex Luthor prepare their next moves in response to Superman's arrival...

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Aug 23, 2022

    Overall, this feels more like a new animated spin-off than an Elseworlds, but maybe that's what it's going forand it's pretty good at the tone it's going for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Aaron Ray Jr. Aug 23, 2022

    Truthfully, I really enjoy reading this series. However, there is no denying how incredibly niche the reading experience is becoming. If you are the kind of reader who can easily slip into a simple fantasy world, then this will scratch your itch. If not, this book will probably seem clich and ridiculously corny. I don't anticipate very much of a mixed divide on quality, but this book is really good at speaking to a specific audience that I don't doubt some drop off as it continues. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 23, 2022

    DC: Mech had a first issue that believably explained the entire premise. DC: Mech #2 is way too loud with character emotions that are turned up way too high. Throw in some obvious setup for the heroes to overcome before the villain arrives in the last act, and you have a book that younger audiences may dig. While adults might enjoy the mechs and over-the-top nature, the emotional story is starting to feel too simplistic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicBook.com - Nicole Drum Aug 24, 2022

    DC: Mech is proving to be a title that is just so specific and so niche that it's not really for most readers but, more than that, it seems to lean too much into its weakest points. Read Full Review

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