At the end of World War II, Earth was invaded by giant mechanized parademons from a planet called Apokolips. Earth's protectors, the Justice Society of America, were devastated, and with them, the age of superheroes came to an end and the era of the Mech began. In the ensuing years, the world has stockpiled colossal battle suits piloted by elite warriors, waiting for the day Apokolips returns. But when Kal-El, the last son of a dying world, crash-lands in Metropolis with his own war suit, he'll face down two of Earth's finest Mech fighters, the Flash and Batman. The dawn of a brave new mechanized DCU is here from the rising star creative teammore
DC Mech #1 is unflinching. What I initially believed to be a fun robotic romp turned brutal and dark instantly. This is shocking but a strong method of establishing the comic, forcing you to take it seriously. The energetic and intense mech madness is still there as the action in this comic is nonstop, but Porter does not shy away from violence, nor does Rivas pull any punches drawing it. Read Full Review
DC: Mech #1 is a fun and surprisingly deep introduction to an alternate universe where superheroes control mechs. Not only does it supply a valid reason for it, but draws you into what could be in this alternate reality. Read Full Review
Does this one feel like a toy commercial? To a degree, in that it's very marketable. But it's also smart, fun, and packed with clever details of how this world has changed. Read Full Review
DC Mech #1 is a lot of fun, even if at times it feels very much like an extended advertisement for some cool new toys (toys I would shamelessly buy, for the record.) Read Full Review
Issue one is a seemingly solid introduction to this six-part miniseries. I can feel the love for the mech genre in the artwork and the anime style writing. This issue's biggest hurdle is using two separate flashbacks before starting the present day conflict. Even then the world building seems like justification for the robot-led society. Porter readily admits to being a fan of Gundam, and has mentioned on the Paneloids Podcast, that DC Mechs will explore a xenophobic angle. The first issue doesn't quite get to that story, but I can see the set up. Read Full Review
Highly recommend coming into books with low expectations, because it's so much fun when they turn out to be good.
DC Mech succeeds where Jurassic League fails, and while I love Juan Gedeon's art on that book, it's mainly because I was a power rangers kid for longer than I was a dinosaur kid.
The lore is great, the art is better, and this issue gives you a lot without making it a chore to read. That first page had me hooked.
My only criticism would be using Darkseid as a villain once again. They are really killing us with Batman and Darkseid over-saturation.
When DCComic$$$$$$$ leaves much of the Justice Society of America and its powers out of a story, you have, well... another science fiction story. Yay for Sci-Fi fans.
The Spectre would have crushed these "elite warriors" from Apokolips.
But then if Kenny hadn't written it this way, DC would not have another opportunity to claim it was showing the JSA by wiping their feet on them.
And of course future product merchandising.