Detective Comics #9

Event\Storyline: Night of the Owls Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 2, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 11
6.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

BATMAN has been poisoned at the hands of the deadly MR. TOXIC! Featuring a TWO-FACE backup story written by TONY S. DANIEL with art by SZYMON KUDRANSKI

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer May 2, 2012

    As this book continues, I cannot see any reason to depart it. It is indeed still one of the best books sent out by DC today Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 2, 2012

    So, like Batwing, this tie in was a really fun ride. Lots of old Batman villains, and I can't believe I didn't see the "well, let the rouges fight the Talons" thing coming, it is so obvious when you think about it. The only thing that put a damper on my enjoyment of this title was the back up. As soon as the guy offered Two Face his position as DA back, if he did some stuff, my brain just turned off. It's just, no, that would never happen. I know it's a comic, but still, no. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Mark Hooson May 3, 2012

    Detective Comics #9 might have done enough to keep me reading for another couple of issues, but it wasn't anywhere near as thrilling as the main Batman series, or as complementary as the last Nightwing issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson May 6, 2012

    If Daniel wanted DC #9 to be about Dr. Arkham, then he should have made it all about him. How he uses his deception and trickery to beat the Talon assassins at their own game. Instead, he tried to combine the doc and Batman, with tepid results. On the flipside, Tony Daniel’s art is first rate. I absolutely love how he draws the Black Mask. If Daniel could bring the kind of vision and passion to his writing that he does to his art, he’d be unstoppable. Sadly that’s not the case, and Detective Comics #9 does more to dull the edge of the Talon’s claws than sharpen them. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 7, 2012

    After a month or two of some uneven issues of "Detective Comics," it's nice to see the book back on track. It handles the "Night of the Owls" elements in just the right manner so that they don't feel intrusive; if I was only reading this comic I wouldn't feel lost or short-changed. A nice job from all parties involved. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Examiner - Anthony Schultz May 16, 2012

    Detective Comics #9 gets three-stars-out-of-five for being flashy, but not really extrapolating on the Night of the Owls story arc. Pick up any number of the Night of the Owls crossovers now running through DC's Bat Family titles at Merlyn's in downtown Spokane. Check back here for more reviews on the Night of the Owls as they release! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 3, 2012

    The Two-Face backup feature is no better than the main portion. Harvey's quest hinges around his apparent desire to become Gotham's D.A. again, which is just ludicrous for all sorts of reasons. The entire story is one surreal chain of events, and unfortunately Harvey doesn't look to be faring any better here than he did in Batman: The Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 2, 2012

    “Detective Comics” is a book worth dropping. Daniel is a swell artist, Kudranski is a swell artist, but the writing is terrible in both the main story and the back-up story. Issue #9 might have some cameos that'll make a few fans happy and it does answer a few questions regarding the identity of the New 52 Black Mask and Clayface (Basil Karlo) but it doesn't feel like it has any impact on the “Night of the Owls” story. It doesn't feel important at all, like it's just a side-trip Batman takes before moving on to the real adventure. Instead of feeling like it's part of a sweeping event it feels like filler. Read Full Review

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