Detective Comics #848

Writer: Paul Dini Artist: Dustin Nguyen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 3, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
6.7Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

To save the sanity of a kidnapped child, Batman must confront the Scarecrow! But their battle is just a part of Hush's plot against Batman and Bruce Wayne as the villain strikes at Batman's very heart! "Heart of Hush" Part 3.

  • 8.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel Sep 3, 2008

    Dini's Detective storyline makes a considerable jump in quality and proves itself to be a real contender with this issue. Any real effect either way on "R.I.P." remains to be seen, but we've got a fun, intense story to enjoy while we're waiting for that answer. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Sep 9, 2008

    A good storyline that is damaged by the artwork. With a different artist, this would have been a more dramatic story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Sep 5, 2008

    As for the rest of the issue, it's standard Batman fare. Bruce walks into Scarescrow's experiment and must use his brain and reflexes to get out of his predictament. It's very “by the numbers” and anticlimactic, but the situation's drama is heightened thanks to Dustin Nguyen's artistic skills and John Kalisz forboding color palette. There's an underlying plot at work here – Batman's being distracted, worn down so that Hush can come in for the kill. It'll be interesting to see where Dini's story ultimately takes us, but for now this is all average at best. To its credit, however, the issue is paced quite well, but it honestly has little to do (again) with the RIP storyline running in Batman. Like Morrison's storyline, maybe this will all make a little more sense in a couple of months. Read Full Review

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