Flash #193

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Scott Kollins Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 25, 2002 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

The Flash battles to save the lives of everyone in Iron Heights--villains and heroes alike--as he takes on Gorilla Grodd! Meanwhile, Hunter Zolomon gets the brunt of one of Grodd's horrible attacks! "Run Riot" part 2.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 30, 2002

    While some of Grodd's comments to the Flash felt a bit over the top, and the battle began to feel a bit repetitive, I have to give the book full marks for keeping the energy level quite high, and there's also a pretty solid shocking moment in this issue, as a member of the book's supporting cast is savagely attacked. I would like to see some more thought put into the Flash's efforts against Grodd, as there's only so many times one can see Wally rain punches on a villain before it begins to feels a bit tiresome. The issue does nicely play up the idea that Grodd is a very dangerous character, as we get some cute moments where the other villains in Iron Heights decide not to press the issue, with Abra Kadabra's little exchange being particularly amusing. As for the art, Scott Kolins continues to prove himself as the consumate comic book artist when it comes to big action, as there's several shots that perfectly capture the raw intensity of Grodd's attacks. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 1, 2003

    Grodd as the guerilla leader of rampaging apes does not seem very credible a threat when any of the triumvirate are about. He doesn't really seem very credible as threat against the Flash. The only reason why Barry Allen couldn't easily defeat Grodd is that Grodd laid out contingency plans borne from his genius not his muscle to deter him. Wally is the fastest man alive, yet his blows, he should be able to deliver a hundred in a second, does not seem to phase, the less than happy-go-lucky gorilla. Wally also has the power to vibrate his molecules, so he should be able ripple right through Gorilla Grodd's chest and give Magilla a little squeeze that would make him think twice about attacking with brute force. In short, there was a reason why Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino made Grodd an intelligent, gadget-happy menace rather than a rampaging monkey who occasionally apes Jean Grey. Read Full Review

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