As the Magistrate continues to tighten its iron fist around Gotham City, things get even worse when the successor to the Clown Prince of Crime takes up the mantle and becomes the Next Joker! As the villain embarks on a murderous rampage across the city, only one man stands between him and his latest victim…the scoundrel for hire known as Grifter?
This new arc means big things are coming for Gotham. Make sure your shoelaces are tied, I don't want anyone's socks flying off! The Next Joker is all up in Gotham's business, and I can't wait to see what the Batfam make of this. The characters are going to be an interesting mix, particularly with what we already have going on. I'm excited to see what's up next for Red Hood and Gotham City. Read Full Review
It's fast-paced, but unlike the first arc it isn't really providing much to invest in yet. Read Full Review
This story"and indeed this issue"would pack more of a punch if we hadn't just sort of resolved The Magistrate in the main continuity. Read Full Review
An entrance riddled with cliches and understandable but uninspired choices hampers the entrance of our new supervillain, as none of our main characters arrive to give our story any kind of heroic interest or agency. Read Full Review
This is... about the same as last issue. I don't really like reprints for backups btw. Just cut them out and cut down the price. The Next Joker sure is something.
Incredibly stupid but quite fun
Surprisingly, I've enjoyed the comic up until the new Joker bits, which were pretty lame.