Gotham Central #1
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Gotham Central #1

Writer: Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka Artist: Michael Lark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 4, 2002 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The detectives of Gotham's police force star in their own ongoing series! A tense, driven story begins in rapid fashion with the all-too familiar cry of "officer down"--and the race is on to stop a major Batman villain while solving the crime before the Dark Knight intervenes. But between the emotion of losing one of their own, and the labyrinth of clues left behind, the chances of success for Montoya, Allen and co. don't look good...

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 17, 2002

    A pretty solid opener to what looks to be a promising new series. It's also nice to see the Astro City syndrome has finally hit the DCU, as finally we get a series that is going to look at a section of the DCU from the perspective of Joe & Jane Public, as the stars of this book don't have superpowers, but they do exist in a world where costumed crime-fighters are a common occurrence. The city of Gotham is also a delightful setting for this new series, as while I've never been a big follower of Batman, I do recognize the quality of his rogues gallery, and out of all the fictional cities in the DCU, Gotham City is easily one of the most distinctive environments out there (though Opal City is far and away my favorite). This opening issue is also quite friendly to the newer reader, and while the cast could stand a bit more fleshing out, the threat provided by Freeze does a very nice job of playing up the idea that these characters are the clear-cut underdogs in this fight. Read Full Review

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