Gotham City Sirens #21

Writer: Peter Calloway Artist: Andres Guinaldo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 30, 2011 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Harley Quinn back in Arkham Asylum? Can she resist The Joker's manipulations? Can Catwoman and Poison Ivy save their free-spirited friend from herself? Will she make a mistake that ends the Sirens forever? Questions, questions, questions.

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Rob Rasmussen Apr 5, 2011

    The end of the story is perfect. After all the build up, specifically with the individualized trumps, it was the only way this arc should end. In fact, everything with Harley is done superbly. The Ivy/Selina parts are a bit lesser, but the whole argument between them did make sense. Either way, this earns a very solid 4 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Apr 6, 2011

    Three is a hard number to juggle, and this is apparently no exception. Harley is center stage, and the others don't really do a lot. The non-stop bickering between Ivy and Selina is getting old, and their big build up to that "good bye" feels rather meaningless. Unless they've kept the book's cancellation a secret, a near impossibility these days, we know they will reunite eventually, likely next issue to save Harley from the Joker. Again. Which brings me to my other big let down this issue. Of all the twists and turns they could have done here, it's just the same old Harley can't resist the Joker? There could have been a great story here, and I felt there was, right up to that point. Maybe they'll really surprise me next issue, but I confess to disappointment in this so far. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 6, 2011

    There's also a B-story as Poison Ivy and Catwoman bicker over whether or not to help their friend. Ivy throws down an ultimatum which Catwoman ignores. Is this the end of the Sirens as we know them or will Catwoman risk everything to help her friends? Worth a look. Read Full Review

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