Huntress #3

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Marcus To Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 7, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The Huntress has vowed to take down one of the most powerful mob bosses in Europe, but who's the even more powerful man behind him? And why is she facing a showdown in the ancient ruins of Pompeii?

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer Dec 23, 2011

    Paul Levitz does an excellent job re-introducing the character he created along with providing an interesting and modern narrative for its backdrop. One of my favorite artists Marcus To does an awesome job with the art. His art is realistic, very detailed, and adds dynamism to it as well. With these men at the helm of the miniseries, this is currently my favorite one I am reading Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Dec 13, 2011

    What I liked and what I didn't:There's plenty of good heroic action here. Huntress is fighting the good fight, and, as I said about last issue, managing to not kill anyone or do massive property damage along the way. I still find it amusing that, given her history, she is now one of the more moderate characters in the DCNU. The writing is good, and she comes across believably and heroically.About the only thing I didn't like here is that the issue almost seems a bit like filler. Aside from the information about the Middle Eastern ruler involved here, almost the entire issue is one long fight. I like the action sequences, but things like this make me wonder if maybe the old approach of miniseries being four issues long, instead of six, eight, nine, or twelve, was the better way to go. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Dec 7, 2011

    Marcus To should always draw the Huntress. If this issue is anything, it's gorgeous. The Huntress is beautiful, smart, clever, witty, strong and sexy -- Marcus To captures each and every one of these qualities through his stunning pencils. The inks are very fine and the colors are vibrant which compliment his pencils perfectly. The third issue of the story is a little bit disorganized. The story definitely jumps around a little bit between locations, and it would have been good to have a guide of some kind to distinguish between the different locations. Overall, though, it's great to see the Huntress represented as such an interesting and independent female character. She has a big problem on her hands, but she seems to (so far) be handling it fairly well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Joey Esposito Dec 7, 2011

    While this issue is still a worthwhile read, the latter half of the series is going to have to pick up the pace and offer more insight to its titular character to remain memorable. Read Full Review

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