Injustice: Gods Among Us #12

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Mike S. Miller Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 3, 2013 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 16
8.1Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The Justice League's battle with Aquaman and his undersea forces comes to its shocking conclusion. Will Atlantis be able to maintain its neutrality in Superman's new world order?

  • 10
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Jan 2, 2014

    Not only is it a great ending to the first season of this series, but it's one of those comics where you'll eagerly want to show certain panels to friends just to see their astonished reactions. That's especially true if you're an Alfred fan like me, I'm a sucker for any comic that gives e a great Alfred moment and this one? Wow! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Apr 2, 2013

    Injustice Day (that's every Tuesday if you haven't been following along) continues to rock. I'm not a fan of phrases like "the most bang for your buck," but the saying applies so darn well in this case. Yes, it's shorter than a standard issue, but that's irrelevant since the quality is well above the majority of titles populating the stands. It continues to be a short and phenomenal read and, seeing as it's just $0.99, there's really no reason to miss out if you're interested in this elseworlds tale.And since someone always asks: no, you don't need to purchase the game to appreciate the read. Writer Tom Taylor has confirmed this series will continue past the game's release date. Oh, and did I mention a demo for the game is hitting XBLA and PSN today, too (for the US... tomorrow for everyone else)? Because it totally is. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Apr 4, 2013

    Injustice Gods Among Us #12 was another riveting chapter in one of the best comic books being published by DC Comics. Tom Taylor and Mike Miller did a great job moving the story forward as we see Superman going down a darker path, Wonder Woman becoming a puppet master, Batman trying to play peacemaker and Aquaman protecting his people. If youre a DC Comics fan Injustice Gods Among Us is a must-read comic. I also highly recommend any fan that has been disenchanted by the New 52 to try this series out because it is taking the iconic characters you know from the pre-New 52 DCU in unpredictable directions. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Dan Pennacchia Apr 3, 2013

    Mike S. Miller returns to art duties on this issue and does a wonderful job adding life and energy to this story. The anger can be felt in Clark's speech through his depiction. Even the imagery of the actions he would undergo to prove a point have an aesthetic that feels grand. Though the coloring has looked good, handled again by David Lopez, when it is paired with Miller, has a visual appeal that rises above the previous entry. Injustice may not be in continuity but this is one of the most entertaining stories coming out of DC right now. Thankfully, with its weekly release schedule, readers will not have to wait long before the next chapter. Read Full Review

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