Injustice: Year Five #9

Writer: Brian Buccellato Artist: Tom Derenick Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 17, 2016 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 6
7.9Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

The Rogues pull a series of terrorist strikes around the globe, somehow managing to stay one step ahead of Superman. But will they be able to evadeā€¦Bizarro?

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo May 4, 2016

    Even though Cyborg has me seriously questioning the values of some of these "so-called" superheroes, Buccellato delivers another smashing issue (yes, smashing!). Mostly centered on the fated-to-be-tragic friendship between Trickster and one very confused Bizarro, Injustice brings humor and horror together that proves this books is far from being tapped out in terms of storylines, thrills, and pure pathos. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 18, 2016

    Injustice sets the next stage for what the Regime is facing while also throwing a spanner in the works at the end with Bizarro getting involved. What he's been up to all this time is beyond me, but the sudden appearance just feels off – even if it will likely lead to some really fun moments. This issue works as setup to show what Batman's group has been up to and the kind of limited ability to respond that the Regime has and it works well. There's a good flow to the book and Redondo and Albarran turn in solid work similar to what they've been producing for a while so there's some good consistency to be had here even if it doesn't jump out at you like Coelo's artwork did the last time around. I'm curious to see where the series goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 16, 2016

    After last week's filler, I liked seeing Buccellato roll up his sleeves and get back to business.  We see the beginnings of Batman's new plan (but no Batman) and Superman becoming more of a jerk than ever.  Don't worry though, there is another Superman in town and while most non game characters are doomed in this book, I hope we get a whole lot more of him, Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Bill Heuer May 6, 2016

    Overall, this issue did eventually tie back into the overall story and it looks like the Superman/Bizarro showdown is fast approaching. With Luther now involved, I am hoping that we might get to see Bizarro teamed up with Batman's Insurgency to try and take the offensive against Superman. Read Full Review

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