JSA #45

Writer: David Goyer, Geoff Johns Artist: Leonard Kirk Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 12, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
6.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

"Princes of Darkness" prologue! Doctor Fate returns from his journey to Gemworld, where he finally discovers the true identity of the woman who gave birth to him. Also, the JSA stands vigilant as Kobra is finally brought to trial for his recent crimes.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 22, 2003

    The secondary plot involving the return of Dove doesn't really float my boat, as I only have a passing knowledge of the character, and the explanation for her return is one of those overly complex explanations that one can only find in a comic book. Still I imagine fans of the character will be happy to see her again, and this plot does deliver a nice little cliffhanger to end the issue on. As for the main plot involving Kobra's trial, I have to say that I'm of two minds when it comes to how this plot played out. On one hand it is nice to see Kobra secure his freedom, as he far more interesting out in the DCU plotting his next bid at global domination, than he is siting in a prison cell. On the other hand I have to say that I didn't care much for how quickly the JSA capitulated to Kobra's threat. Still, since I'm quite eager to move along to the next plot, I'm quite willing to accept the rather hurried feel that Kobra's escape had going for it, and I rather enjoyed the idea that his es Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 15, 2003

    Kobra'ssss esssscape raisssses sssseveral questionssss. When did Kobra "vissssit" the Jusssstice League Watchtower? How did ssssuch a losssser wackjob acquire Jusssstice League technology? When afterall has Kobra ssssucceeded in anything? When esssspecially hassss Kobra won a ssssingle victory againsssst the League? Read Full Review

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