Justice League: Cry for Justice #6

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Scott Clark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 27, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
3.8Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Three Leaguers have already fallen, and Supergirl goes toe-to-toe with the team traitor. But can even the Girl of Steel stand against their might? Plus, Prometheus reveals an even greater threat to the entire DCU than they thought possible!
assigned to you by Kristy Quinn

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jan 27, 2010

    Love it or hate it, this is a series that will be remembered. It may even be looked back upon fondly by those who chide it now. Regardless of the emotion thrust at it, this book does elicit emotion, and that is what comics are supposed to do for those who consider them entertainment. If nothing else, this book provides me with some entertainment. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jan 28, 2010

    Lastly, I was hoping that some of the text piece in this issue would be about Supergirl. Instead Robinson talks about Jay Garrick and Batwoman. I think Batwoman appeared in a handful of panels in this book. One more issue in this series which I will have to sift into the DCU timeline. How outrageous will it be? Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Feb 5, 2010

    I really wanted to cover the rest of this series, seeing how this is the beginning of DCs big year planned for Ollie and the Green Arrow family. You can almost see how it is going to play out, this issue just turned out to be something different. Cry For Justice looks to have a predictable ending, funneling into the JLA proper series. My disappointment in this series has more to do with how shallow the characterization has been rather than the script. If not for the great afterward that James provides on the team he chose, I wouldnt really feel that invested into what has gone on thus far. I plan on giving his Justice League run a shot, hopefully we will deeper into the rift forming between the two factions of heroes that I was hoping to see in this mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jan 28, 2010

    If you'd like a low-calorie offering that looks good, but makes no sense, buy this book. If you are going to think at all about the story, or wonder about the motives and actions of the characters, you'd best just skip the frustration and accept the new composition of the JLA without understanding how it got that way. I have no further faith that this series will answer that question anyway. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 31, 2010

    So, what IS Cry For Justice? I think, oddly enough, that it's extreme darkness and depravity, with the maiming and the deaths and the nastiness, may be a precursor to good things for the League, at least if Robinson's tone can be believed. This issue is nicely done, with beautiful art by Mauro Cascioli (DC Comics official website has incorrect information, apparently) Scott Clark especially the first-page confrontation between Supergirl and Faux-zam and this issue is the first that doesn't seem to have been reworked and jury-rigged to fit the shape of things to come. This actually kind of makes sense, in that the first issues were probably in the can by the time the series was down-graded to limited status. James Robinson is a good writer, albeit one with a host of peccadilloes that must be accepted to really love his work, and I'm glad to see that this issue is not only free of some of the silly angstiness that characterized the first two in the series. The Atom as a dark and gritty " Read Full Review

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