Justice League of America #4

Writer: Brad Meltzer Artist: Ed Benes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 13, 2006 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The true mastermind behind the latest threat against the JLA league is finally revealed! What's really been going on with the kidnappings around the DCU? What role do the new Starro devices play? And who are the "Thirteen Immortals" Professor Ivo is babbling about? Uncover clues here!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bruce Logan Dec 14, 2006

    The new character who appears in this issue of Justice League of America and who could possibly be the eleventh member of this new league is..., well..., he is an ex-colleague not only to Black Lightning but also to Batman, as also to other original and current members (Katana, Metamorpho) of the team that he was once a member of. A founding member of that team, born prince and now king of his country, this royal even had familial ties to the Teen Titans. Who is this? Well, in case his identity is still a mystery to anyone reading this, this character is Brion Markov, ruler of the fictional DC country of Markovia, the "gravity manipulating" superhero Geo-Force. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Dec 14, 2006

    Justice League of America #4 was an awesome read. Meltzer and Benes are turning out one of the most entertaining comics on the market. This is exactly what DC needed. They needed for their flagship title to return to prominence. Mission accomplished. Titles like the Justice League of America and Justice Society of America are exactly what DC desperately needs in order to make some gains on Marvel's dominance of the Top 15 of the monthly sales charts. I definitely recommend the Justice League of America. It is well worth your money. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Dec 26, 2006

    All in all, if you like Meltzer and Benes, this should be great. For me though, I really need to find a way to drop this. I'll probably stick around to the end of the story arc, but this series has failed to meet my expectations for a good Justice League series. Read Full Review

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