Justice League Unlimited #5

Writer: Adam Beechen Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 29, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Blue Beetle is all ready to enjoy a relaxing night of monitor duty at the Watchtower, but when chaos erupts across the globe, he realizes he's the only team member on call!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 8, 2005

    Beechen places Beetle in a no-win situation. If this were a post-Crisis book, Beetle would suddenly sprout boobs and then be stuffed into a refrigerator in the DC scorched earth tradition. Justice League Unlimited is a book that rests outside of proper--snicker--continuity. Its continuity celebrates heroes as well as the reader's intellect. In the end, Beetle beats the loon by being clever. Glorious. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Jan 7, 2005

    To some degree, ALL super-hero comic books are insipid. JLU invites me to channel my ten-year-old self. Some weeks Id rather consume a fun, juvenile story that reminds me why I began reading comic books in the first place than an overblown or cynical juvenile story that tries to deny (or seems embarrassed by) its own juvenility. Read Full Review

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