HAUNTED FINALE! As the Penguin and his henchmen attack Wayne Manor to try and get the mysterious box back, Batman has holographically taken himself back in time, to solve the case of the West End Wrath's murders, and what he discovers will change the way he views The Wayne Family and Gotham City forever. Don't miss this propulsive finale!
Legends of the Dark Knight #8 is a great anthology with two stories that make points about pain, trauma, and the failings of society. It's a good reminder comics can tell important stories no matter the length as these short-form stories pack a punch. Read Full Review
Legends of the Dark Knight VisualLegends of the Dark Knight 1 CoverLegends of the Dark Knight 2 CoverLegends of the Dark Knight 3 CoverPrev1of4Next Read Full Review
Neither are particularly deep looks into Batman's psyche, but I think Batman fans will enjoy them for the most part. Read Full Review
The stories here are short, digestible, and are quick to the point, and well-told for their page count. I only wish that the artists had switched. The visuals in The Ghost and the Knight are crisp and intense and well-conducive to a Scarecrow psychological tale, while the somewhat simpler and emotional artwork in Healing would have done equally as well in the first tale. Read Full Review