Legion of Super-Heroes #1
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Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Yildiray Cinar, Wayne Faucher Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 19, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10
7.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Fan-favorite LEGION writer Paul Levitz returns to the 31st century super team he made supreme with an all-new intergalactic era! In this premiere issue: the destruction of a major planet and an unexpected addition to the Legion and the Green Lantern Corps!

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Alex May 19, 2010

    Its hard to imagine a better first issue for a superhero comic. This is a fantastic experience that I highly recommend to any DC fan. Big in scope with plenty of great characters, give it a go! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 24, 2010

    But that's a minor quibble. So far, the Legion is back to basics - and that's a great place to start. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt May 21, 2010

    I've never really connected with the Legion of Superheroes, despite all of my efforts to get engaged in their adventures. That, of course, was before this wonderfully crafted issue that does a great job of making the Legion accessible and enjoyable. Levitz's character writing is fantastic, especially given how long it has been since he has regular written a comic, and Cinar's artwork really shines. I was weary of another Legion relaunch, but I can see myself really getting on board with this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 19, 2010

    Besides the exciting Green Lantern wrinkle, so much of what made Levitz's Legion work so beloved by so many is present in these pages. The characters are all introduced and voiced in a concise, instantly relatable manner, then given strong dilemmas with which to deal. Levitz also announces himself back onto the scene by taking a sledgehammer to an important corner of the Legion property, ushering in the type of bold change the series is known for. With vibrant, crisp Yildiray Cinar art that takes more than a few cues from Gary Frank's work with the characters, this is one Legion book any fan new or old can sink their teeth into. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk May 27, 2010

    Legion of Super Heroes #1 was a fantastic read. Levitz blew me away with an incredibly strong debut issue to this new title. I strongly urge readers to give this title a try. Legion of Super Heroes #1 offers the biggest bang for the buck that you can find on the market. Seriously. The amount of content and the sheer entertainment value of this issue cannot be matched by most comic books currently being published. The reader will be more than satisfied with the dense and entertaining story and will certainly feel that they got their moneys worth for this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young May 22, 2010

    I am looking forward to more from Levitz in this series and its companion series, Adventure Comics. Long live the Legion! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 19, 2010

    Longtime Legion fans will almost certainly be thrilled with this first issue, and for neophytes, this is a decent jumping on point. It wasn't enough to have me overly anxious for more, or set me to counting down days until issue #2, but there are some bits of this story I am curious to see play out. The Green Lantern ring on the cover isn't a throwaway, either, as the legacy of Oa appears to play a major role in the course of this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Paul Steven Brown May 20, 2010

    The pencils are provided by Yildiray Cinar who has done nothing but improved over his already excellent work on Noble Causes and Teen Titans. With such a large cast to work with, Cinar does a solid job of giving each Legionnaire a distinct look that goes beyond their costuming. The storytelling is easy to follow and inker Wayne Faucher helps keep the page looking crisp and clean. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Colin Andersen Aug 27, 2010

    I want to like Legion of Super-Heroes a lot. Levitz clearly knows these characters, but he needs to inject a real plot into the story to make it truly entertaining. As it is, I enjoy the book, but it is usually quite low on my list of books to read and I dont know how much longer it will hold my interest at this rate. If a threat could be established and kept around for more than two issues, Legion could really shine and bring in a wide audience. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman May 19, 2010

    Even though this is a #1 issue, it most certainly isn't a "jumping-on point." While DC's trying to make their line current and accessible with Brightest Day, this just feels bogged down in the past, like a back-issue grabbed from a quarter bin. Still, there are good threads (like the "forbidden viewing" and Yat's betrayal) and Arniv's art is pretty polished. Actually, if you are a longtime LSH fan, this will probably be a real treat. Read Full Review

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