Red Hood And The Outlaws #7

Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 21, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
6.4Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Red Hood is convinced that the super assassin Essence set him up in his battle against the Untitled...and Arsenal and Starfire are prepared to help him get some payback! Plus: The trio learn that the super-villain known as Crux might be a kindred spirit after all! And the murderous Suzie Shu waits in the wings for her revenge!

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Mar 21, 2012

    Another good issue from Red Hood. Writing was fun, art was gorgeous. Can't say that enough. Raises a lot of questions about Essence and her motivation which I assume will be answered later in her "back up."  We just never really got a "why" as to her actions against the All Caste, but oh well. This book remains entertaining month in and month out. Looking forward to seeing just what Suzie Su can do next month, oh, and Tim Drake! Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 21, 2012

    Luckily, the series seems content to move right along without lingering on the Essence conflict. Hopefully issue #8 will mark another the beginning of another upswing in quality. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    Outer Realm Comics - Vivien G. Mar 21, 2012

    This is probably my least favorite cover of the series. The composition in particular is very weak and even after intense studies I could not figure out what Starfire's body is doing exactly. Jason's position begs questions as well. He looks as if he was added the last minute, looking to the side instead of looking at his enemy. Not to mention the position of his gun. It is hilarious once you realize that is looks as if he is shooting Essence in the crotch. Essence, who does not seem to have hipbones. A very boring cover that fits the content of the book, I have to admit. Therefore it is strangely appropriate. Too bad that this is not exactly a good thing. Read Full Review

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