'Tis the season in the apocalypse! The Scooby gang finds a moment to recover after narrowly escaping a harrowing battle, but when they wake up on Christmas morning, they find two members of their gang are no longer with them! With tensions having reached their breaking point, the gang is forced to face the consequences of their actions and try to once again find a glimmer of hope in this monstrous apocalypse. And in our backup story, Secret Squirrel's mission to save the world continues as he meets his enemy face to face!
Scooby Apocalypse has not disappointed and with a bombshell such as this, they give us something satisfying to look forward to next year, wondering if anyone will survive. The build up of the story left us false confidence, compounding with tension as questionable actions made our heroes do things they later regret. However which each event, they never lost hope … until the very end when we knew the story was ending on such an uncharacteristically serene note. If the Gang does wish to live to see a dawn, they need learn to accept pain and happiness are two sides of the same coin – one cannot exist without the other, even if the cruelty of that truth is what drives an apocalyptic world. Read Full Review
The issue also features a new chapter in more-realistic Secret Squirrel back-up feature. This installment is illustrated by Howard Chaykin, whose work I adore. The concept may be too similar to the Ruff & Reddy title hes currently writing, but in both instances, they work. Read Full Review
This issue (and series as a whole) seem to be going for a Walking Dead vibe, but that's not a selling point for me. Read Full Review
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