Scooby and the gang are under siege! While the minutes tick by as they await the next wave of monsters, Velma does some soul-searching...which leads to some stunning revelations! You'll never look at her the same again!
Scooby Apocalypse #6 is a wonderful issue and, no matter the fate of this series, this story stands out as one of the most fascinating representations of Velma Dinkley's history in any version. Read Full Review
All hail the unsung bespectacled hero! This issue is so powerful in its profound emotional fervor, you cannot but identify with Velma, feel sympathy for our favorite coke bottle glasses scientist now that you see how she has suffered by her own hand and those around her. We know that the fallout of this story will be major, but to see how she became what she is now, how can you not want to embrace her and shelter her from the past … into hopefully a brighter future? Read Full Review
Perhaps the strongest issue of this series to date. While it did border a tad on cliche, it allowed us to see what makes one of the more conflicted characters in the book tick. The fill-in art does not look out of place, it actually does a wonderful job of keeping up with Mr. Porter. Again, I'd be remiss not to mention the excellent color work from Hi-Fi. Read Full Review
This issue showcases that the series is just getting started with its story, and those who dropped off too soon will regret not sticking around for such a fantastic issue. This is the first must read issue of this series and with any luck it wont be the last. Now fans just have to hope the team is able to get out of the grocery story they have been in for the last three issues. Read Full Review
Dave Eaglesham and Wellington Alves join Howard Porter this issue with the artwork. Eagleshams sequence is very short and thus there is little to say about his work which continues to be solid as ever. Alves does manage to show us the inner beauty of Velma in his flashbacks. Thus she cannot be all that bad. At least I hope so. Read Full Review
Scooby Apocalypse #6 has two stories–one is good and fills in the backstory of one of the leads and the other unfortunately is and underwhelming villainous rant. The artwork, done by various artists, is pretty good, and the writing is generally decent, but flawed. In the end, Scooby Apocalypse has been an interesting series so far and with the small revelations we got in this issue, it's going to get weirder and wilder as time goes on. Read Full Review