Seven Soldiers of Victory #0
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Seven Soldiers of Victory #0

Event\Storyline: Seven Soldiers of Victory Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: J.H. Williams III Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 23, 2005 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
8.8Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Shelly Gaynor is the granddaughter of Golden Age hero the Whip. When Shelly answers an ad to join the aging crimebuster Vigilante and his new team of "Seven Soldiers" in the hunt for an ancient monster haunting the deserts of the southwest, her super-hero dream becomes a terror-trip into the heart of an undying nightmare!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Bob Agamemnon Feb 27, 2005

    There is a moment in Seven Soldiers #0 in which Grant Morrison puts what amounts to a personal aesthetic statement into the mouth of his protagonist. As the team rides into its first battle, Shelly describes the feeling as this dreamy piling up of weirdness and the impossible. Morrison has made a career of taking the most counter-intuitive notions and realizing them, and there is certainly no shortage of weirdness and the impossible here (super-villains on high tech pogo sticks, and something called the time-sewing machine qualify), but what pushes this beyond the typical psychedelic physics of a Morrison story is the ambitious project it announces: no less than the radical revision of the super-team concept. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Feb 27, 2005

    If you read this comic and dont like it, you dont know how to read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 27, 2005

    That Morrison introduces or re-introduces these characters in a slam-bang adventure that does not shirk one shred of characterization and describes their histories--mostly composed only in this book--and their fates in what amounts to just one, not even double-sized, comic book really demonstrates how piss poor deconstructionists really are when it comes to writing. Morrisons work displays just exactly how many elements you need to craft a meaningful, entertaining story while bestowing three-dimensions to characters for whom the reader will care and without smearing the concept of the super-hero. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Feb 27, 2005

    So Im impressed. Even as someone who generally enjoys Morrisons work, I wasnt expecting much of interest here, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is a good fun story that manages to also say some interesting things about superheroes and the type of people who would take that up as a career, and why they might subsequently give it up. Its an effective short, self-contained story as well as being an excellent introduction to the main Seven Soldiers super-storyline (!), so its good value for money too. That said, Im not sure its inspired me enough to invest time and money into picking up every issue of the upcoming quasi-crossover-thingie (mainly because the protagonists of that do not appear here, but again thats heading into spoilerish territory), but I couldnt ask for a better introduction to Morrisons grand plan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 3, 2005

    J.H. Williams is an artist whose work I'm a huge fan of, but he has made a habit of working on projects that I haven't picked up so my exposure to his work hasn't been nearly as extensive as I would've liked. Still, his work on this issue serves as ample proof why I'm going to make the extra effort to pick up his future projects as his highly detailed work is absolutely amazing. I mean it's a simple establishing shot, but the cityscape that he turns in on the credit page left me ever so impressed. The art also amazingly portrays our collection of ill-fated characters doing battle with a giant spider, and it does a fantastic job of touching base with all the various players. It also creates a real sense of doubt that these characters stand any hope of beating this monster. The double-page spread where our cast meet their final fate is also a wonderfully chaotic bit of imagery. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Feb 27, 2005

    Whats refreshing within that stereotype is that Shellys a writer, and thus the authors most immediate stand-in, the everywoman at the heart of this installment. While not quite thought balloons, the narration clues us in to her feelings, fears, doubts and hopes. That sort of interior monologue, being privy to their thoughts as they act, is something thats been denied so many heroines lately, and this flow of thoughts is the vine that roots and grounds the unfolding petals of this story. Read Full Review

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