Suicide Squad #22

Writer: Ales Kot Artist: Patrick Zircher Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 10, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 6
8.9Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

An anarchist group has a monstrous plan to rewire the brains of the American public, starting in Las Vegas! So it's up to Amanda Waller's team to shut them downbut a surprise new squad member with a grudge against Deadshot threatens to wreck everything!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Jacob Torres Jul 12, 2013

    Id like to add here that next months issue of Suicide Squad will be Ales Kots last issue on the title. When Kot took over Suicide Squad it had gone from off my radar to a must read and one of my favorite New 52 titles in just two issues. He has been crafting such a fantastic story, digging deep into the characters and truly making this title one of the best the New 52 has to offer. Kot delivers an action and humor packed penultimate issue that just makes it all the worse that hes leaving so soon. I cant give enough praise to the work hes done on this book, and after that shocking ending I cant wait to see what he has in store for the end. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jul 11, 2013

    So why is this such a great issue? Well, the artwork is amazing. The fight scenes are perfect. The scope is epic yet realistic. There's a sense of actual urgency when shit hits the fan. Even the leader of the cult is creepy and unique. And each character looks, well, like a real person. But the script is also impeccable, what with little lines here and there that actually make the reader chuckle in what should be a serious scene (King Shark's "My name is Trixie and I like to party" line and Deadshot's "Dying hurts!" proclamation come to mind). And all of this without actually detracting from the fact that not only is this a team full of people who are, in every sense of the word, evil, but also that literally anything could happen. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jul 10, 2013

    This issue comes as a double-edged sword. On one hand, Kot creates a super entertaining issue and it really is a blast. On the other hand, we know he'll be leaving the book after the next issue and after amazingly solid material like this, it's a bummer to see him go (no disrespect at all to Matt Kindt, of course). Regardless, his topnotch dialogue in combination with Zircher/Keith's art makes for an exciting read filled with surprising amount of laughs. And the most impressive part of it all? He followed-up all of that excellent comedy with one heck of a cliffhanger -- it's definitely a jaw dropper. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 10, 2013

    This issue does stumble at the very end as Kot delivers another final page that feels abrupt and divorced from the rest of the action. But that's a minor complaint in an otherwise stellar comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 12, 2013

    Unfortunately, it's still a real shame that Kot is leaving the title. In just three issues – heck, since the first few pages of his first issue – Kot has turned one of DC's least admired books into it's absolute best. That's not to disparage Matt Kindt or anything, he'll do a great job too, but the energy Kot brought on to “Suicide Squad” was wholly unique and probably won't be, as it probably shouldn't be, replicated by anyone else. It honestly feels like one of DC books that are enjoying themselves. The characters definitely have angst to spare and Zircher's artwork is incredibly dark, which all works very well, but all that is set against Kot's hilariously cruel dialogue and plot. It's having its angst, but not letting that drag the entire book down; a lesson some other DC books could learn something from. Ales Kot, you will be missed; and Patrick Zircher, keep up the damn fine work. Matt Kindt we really like you too. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 10, 2013

    I'm not privy to the politics of DC Comics, but when you read comics like Suicide Squad #22, you can't help but feel it's a wasted opportunity, knowing that a team this good only has one issue left in the can. There is so much more going on " and Kot actually ups the ante on his last page " and you just know there's no way he can possibly wrap it all up with just 20 more pages. There's resurrection, romance, some new depth on characters we're only just starting to get to know " why would DC throw all that away? So if you're into quality crime comics, well, enjoy this while it lasts " while this run on Suicide Squad might be short-lived, it's making the most of what little time is has left. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jul 11, 2013

    The chaotic dynamic of the team has to be what really sticks out so far. You see that they work so well together when they actually do, yet have no regard for each others well-being. Aside from this the dialogue stands out when you have those like Harley who always has something funny to say or Deadshot who always sounds like a sarcastic ass. The gritty style of the book makes the story look just as creepy as it feels. Good issue overall that is hopefully setting up for something climatic to come next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 15, 2013

    It's ultimately a slightly frustrating issue. Kot's run had only just begun a couple of months ago and it's now coming to an end, and I feel now as I did before -- that the rough patches were ones that over time would go away. Some of his addition to the series felt like they had real potential, and he certainly has a strong scripting voice. If that would have panned out in the long run, though, we'll almost certainly never know now. Read Full Review

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