Superman's place as the hero of Metropolis is challenged by Metallo! Can the Man of Steel withstand the Metal Menace's Kryptonite heart or will he defeated for good?
We've had Metallo teased for what feels like a dozen issues so far so I'm glad to get some payoff here. The villain is one that always freaked me out as little kid when I would get the 3-in-1 plastic baggie of comics from the toy store/section and he was in there. It was just creepy and dangerous in ways that resonated easily to my little brain. I've enjoyed what they've done with him over the years even as he becomes more fanatical. I'm curious to see if they can do a wholesale reinvention someday but what we get here from Venditti is solid stuff that's easily accessible. Mix it in with what General Lane has been up to and allowing Superman to make a good callback here helps to tie a lot of things together well. Read Full Review