Superman: War of the Supermen #3

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Cafu Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 19, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

General Lane's devastating attack on New Krypton exposes him for the murderous manipulator he's become. With Earth's sun burning red, what will the final fates of Nightwing and Flamebird be? And what can Superman do to stop the destruction?

  • 9.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 21, 2010

    All that said, don't get me wrong. I love how much face time Supergirl is getting here. She has been a major player here. One more week to go. Hard to believe! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 22, 2010

    With the "New Krypton" era of "Superman" almost over, it's a little sad to see such a thorough dismantling of everything from the past few years. Maybe we'll get a nice surprise next week and discover that not everything is being completely reset. But right now? It's hard to not feel like you are seeing that coming around the bend at an increasing speed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt May 21, 2010

    After two very strong issues, I had high hopes for this week's installment of War of the Supermen as the battle finally reached Earth. Unfortunately, for every step forward, there was an equally as large, if not larger, step back. This is definitely a major miss in comparison to the other issues and a big part of that is the fact that we have more than 4 issues of story and it doesn't have the room to breathe. Next week's conclusion looks promising, so hopefully this issue doesn't end up derailing what had been a very enjoyable story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley May 31, 2010

    But I did learn something important. After New Krypton, Codename: Patriot, World Against Superman, Last Stand of New Krypton and War of the Supermen, I did find one positive thing to take away from all this: Supergirl is a pretty good comic. You should give it a look. Read Full Review

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