Wonder Woman #34

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 29, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.8Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"Birds of Paradise" part 1 of 2! After the status-shattering events of WONDER WOMAN #33, the world's most sensational team reunites, as Wonder Woman and Black Canary go undercover among some of the worst villains of the DC universe! It's gonna be a bad day for some bad men when the two toughest women in comics join forces!

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Paul Steven Brown Jul 30, 2009

    After nine months back as a reader, I’m happy to say that Wonder Woman has really evolved into an exciting and enjoyable superhero comic book. Simone and Lopresti are a dynamite team and the quality of their work is consistently high. I’m definitely into this book for at least remainder of the “Birds of Paradise” arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 29, 2009

    On art, Aaron Lopresti continues his top-notch work on this series, once again delivering kinetic action sequences and a Wonder Woman that's every bit as formidable as she is beautiful. Lopresti has proven to be the perfect fit for this book, and his work on the title has been arguably its most consistent attribute. With the new, post-Rise of the Olympian status quo now in place, let's hope Simone can provide him a story that finally fires on all cylinders. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Karyn Pinter Aug 1, 2009

    Well, bottom line, the issue was fun, not a tremendously great issue, but fun. Gail Simones writing doesnt disappoint me, but the lack of super awesome story arcs does. Yes, Wonder Woman just gave up being an Amazon because shes pissed at Zeus, but why didnt that get the same hype as Batman dying? Maybe its the lack of hype that keeps this comic in the middle, which is a bad place to be when youre freakin Wonder Woman. Things are being set up for some kind of hell storm. Themyscira may soon be under attack from the inside, think of it as a parasite infestation, and Wonder Woman seems to have yet another person out for her head, this one seems pretty intent on violence. Hopefully something will come of these set ups, something that will drag Wonder Woman out of its humdrum slump. At least, for right now, we can look forward to more of Black Canarys wit in the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 6, 2009

    After several issues where the main character has had to deal with an increasingly dark and humorless world of fighty-fighty, this one struck me well. Maybe it's the girl-power vibe going on, maybe it's the way that Black Canary manages to be so perfectly in character and tongue-in-cheek (it's good to hear Gail's version of Dinah's voice again) but I liked this issue in ways that I didn't enjoy the last three or four. Lopresti's art is note-perfect this time, and the battle sequence is exciting and well choreographed, and even the throwaway costumes that the 'Birds of Paradise' wear are wonderful. Best of all is the half-page shot of an enraged newly-orphaned Hawaiiangoddess on the last page, a piece that is powerful, regal, and even sexy without being pandering. Gail Simone seems to be taking a breather from doom and gloom here, while continuing the Genocide subplot, but her piece de resistance is T.O. Morrow's simple explanation of who he is. It's an incredibly deep momen Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 30, 2009

    Gail Simone's roller coaster run on this title continues to be a series of peaks and valleys. At times it is brilliant, while at others it is uncharacteristically weak. The incomplete looking and wildly inconsistent art from Lopresti doesn't help things any. This book shows a ton of potential and we all know what Simone is capable of, I'm just not sure how much longer I'm willing to wait for it. Read Full Review

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