Zatanna #4

Writer: Paul Dini Artist: Chad Hardin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 11, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Zatanna loves Vegas, and Vegas loves her but should Zee be wary of the attentions of a handsome, well-connected casino owner? She can hold her own against the most ridiculous Royal Flush Gang ever assembled, and she can just about cope with her cousin Zachary's immature antics, but she'd better watch out for the sultry fire demons that are hot on her heels!

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Terry Verticchio Aug 13, 2010

    I've got a feeling that Zatanna is going to be one of those old-school kinda books, where the main character is going to be sent into impossible situations month in and month out, without let up. Zatanna is simply going to be fun. Works for me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Aug 12, 2010

    As usual, Paul Dini does a brilliant job here. I really love the crazy concepts that he puts together in this issue (a Rat Pack version of the Royal Flush Gang? Im sold!), plus the interaction between Zatanna and Zatara was strong. Unfortunately, Chad Hardin simply cannot live up to the standards set by regular artist Stephane Roux and is wildly inconsistent in his attempts to do so. If not for their clothes remaining the same through this issue, the characters would be unrecognizable at times thanks to their ever-shifting facial features. Plus, seriously, if you are going to have Rat Pack impersonators in your comic, you need to make them look at least marginally like Frank Sinatra and company! Read Full Review

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