Darkwing Duck has returned to saving St. Canard, but in just the brief time that he was attempting to be a boring civilian, F.O.W.L., led by Dr. NoGood, has decided to make the entire city their new headquarters of villainy! Darkwing is determined to clean up this mess-and Goslyn is ready to help him. But as a good parent, Darkwing sends her to school where she will be safe...or so he thinks!
Darkwing Duck #5is another fun read that picks up on the hints of a bigger story from the previous issue. For long time fans its a welcome return of the characters but for new readers the team has been introducing everyone slowly. Lots of fun that captures or childhood. Overall, it's just entertaining and will put a smile on your face. Read Full Review
Darkwing Duck #5 presents a good story, but hopefully more backstory of Dr. Nogood will be given in the future for readers unfamiliar with the character, as well as to show how he and Darkwing ended up crossing paths in the first place. It was also revealed that he had been bankrolling Megavolt, Bushroot and Liquidator, so what other devious denizens of St. Canard could be under his employ next issue? Read Full Review
DARKWING DUCK #5 gives readers two villains for the price of one, with excellent art and plenty of Darkwing hijinks. That said, two villains may be too much for the page count as the script (and action) feels rushed. Read Full Review
Deibert has an excellent handle on all the characters of St. Canard, and this series feels tailor-made to die-hard Darkwing fans, though your mileage may vary if you weren't originally a fan of Disney Afternoons. Read Full Review