Doc Savage #1
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Doc Savage #1

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Bilquis Evely Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: December 11, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13
6.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In 1933, readers were first introduced to Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze. Raised from the cradle to be the pinnacle of mental and physical perfection, Doc Savage travels the world using science and sinews to right wrongs, aid the oppressed, and liberate the innocent. Whether with his team of able associates at their headquarters high atop the tallest building in the world, Doc Savage is tireless in his pursuit of knowledge and justice.

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Dec 10, 2013

    Audiences today have become so saturated with shallowness disguised as action storytelling that they have no idea the amount of skill it took to not only introduce a cast of characters quickly, but why they were interesting and worth coming back for a another adventure. Here, with this #1 issue, Roberson and his team quickly introduces a brand new generation to the character of Doc Savage, and the type of story that he inhabited, but in a way that displays the charm of Doc and The Fabulous Five hold and beautifully packaged for the next generation of pulp fans who found these stories and characters through comics. Chris Roberson just flat-out gets it. He understands pulp storytelling and knows how to deliver scripts true to that genre. If this isn't for you, then pulps may not be for you - but that won't stop Roberson and his team from staying true to the format and the characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Dec 21, 2013

    In this issue Doc and his Fabulous Five solve the immediate mystery, but Roberson is also setting up a larger story to be explored over future issues. So we get a done-in-one story that is also linking to a larger narrative. I love it! I'm really looking forward to seeing Roberson weave back in forth in time and visit Doc and his crew in different eras. Issue 2 is set in 1949, will explore the Crime College in more detail, AND introduces his cousin Pat Savage. I can hardly wait! You've got me on board Mr. Roberson, the train is just pulling out of the station I hope we're in for a long ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jan 8, 2014

    A fun premiere and I want more. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Jun 11, 2014

    For this reader, the overall package proved to be quite a good one, despite some of the missteps made, and I have to say that after having read the recent annual and now this issue, I'm definitely in the camp of people who like Doc Savage comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 12, 2013

    So, a fair start and I'm certainly going to come back to see where it goes from here. I'm not completely sold, but it's definitely a cut above all recent efforts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Gary Kane Dec 10, 2013

    But the main recent I like this is that it synthesizes all the Doc Savage qualities that others have liberally borrowed throughout the years fully. Think Buckaroo Bonzai in Indiana Jones's clothes and that is exactly what he should be and for an opening issue that is what we are given. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GoCollect - @UrbanRemnant Dec 12, 2013

    "Doc Savage #1" was just okay. Nostalgia and the classic Alex Ross cover drew me to the book. Let's hope their "troubles" lead to the kind of thrilling perils that will keep me aboard for further issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Dec 11, 2013

    Doc Savage #1 has some issues but entertains enough to earn a light recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 5.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Dec 12, 2013

    So let's wrap up this review. Doc Savage #1 is the tale of a bloke and his mates. They all look pretty much the same, although one has a nicer suit than the rest, and one of them talks in an unconvincing intellectual manner that doesn't quite work and quickly grates. The art is uniformly dull, but at least that's in keeping with the rest of the book. The highlight is the front cover, but as soon as you open the book it all goes quickly downhill from there. Going back to the question in my opening paragraph. Just what is the point in Doc Savage? Errrrrrrr, nope, I'm done here. If you have the answer then please, please, please let me know. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 29, 2013

    "Doc Savage" #1 could open up with bombastic adventure, but checks in as something much more pedestrian. The scheming plot that threatens Doc Savage is not overly exciting, but provides enough of a menace to keep the comic book moving along. Roberson and Evely are clicking together nicely, but the story they're sharing just needs a bigger charge of excitement. The adventures of Doc Savage should be exciting and electrifying, not typical and uninspired. The creative talent on "Doc Savage" #1 is present; they just need to collaborate on an inspired tale for Doc Savage and his crew. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Dec 11, 2013

    Doc Savage may be the Man of Bronze, but his first issue packs a punch of aluminum. Chris Roberson does pulp fantastically well, but this first issue feels like a quick one-shot before things really get rolling. Some may lament the 'men standing around and talking' heavy story though they would be wrong in that assessment. That's Doc Savage and that's pulp. It's actually much deeper than 'standing around and talking' anyway. There's enough here to warrant a return with the writer and artist getting along together really well, but there needs to be a little more bite to the story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    CHUD - D.S. Randlett Dec 13, 2013

    I really wanted to like Doc Savage and be able to recommend it as a fine adventure series, but as it stands I can only recommend it as a soporific. Man of Bronzzzzz. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Taylor Lilley Dec 17, 2013

    Instead, Doc Savage #1 is what Alan Moore thinks of on those rare lonely nights when he thinks of mainstream comics; just another tired rehash, a futile nostalgic flailing from modernity's waves. I hope, at least, that it brings some joy to the Doc Savage faithful. Because if they aren't pleased by this, then it really is a total bust. Read Full Review

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