The final hand is dealt as Cassie, Vlad and Vampirella try to stop the Blood Queen from getting the final heart she needs to summon the Mad God Chaos... and before one of them falls. Listen, someone is falling in this issue!
Other than that, there isn’t much else to say about this final issue other than to say it’s a great afternoon read combining two very fun properties. Hopefully we get to see more in the future. Read Full Review
If you like horror satire that's right B Movie style comic book, do yourself a favor and check out this series. Read Full Review
If you are a fan of Cassie Hack or Vampirella this is a comic worth picking up. Shawn Aldridge captures the personality of both characters perfectly. Read Full Review
I'm still loving the art. Extra credit for the snakes on the heads, that was hilarious! This turned out to be a great, fun crossover, I'm glad that I picked it up. If Vampirella and Vlad actually got together, I would be totally down for it. Don't let this be the last crossover for these two properties.