"Izabel" by JEFF PARKER (Suicide Squad, Fantastic Four) and BOB Q (The Lone Ranger). The ongoing adventures of James Bond during World War II continue, in a standalone tale set in Lisbon. A savvy local woman knows how to survive and thrive, despite the hardships of war. But a desperate German scientist needs her help, and she becomes involved with a young British man, that's (not yet) very good at being a spy...
Suave And Sweeping! A great globetrotting adventure worthy of the name James Bond! Read Full Review
OverallThis is a great issue, which shows James Bond at a very early stage in his spying career and highlights just how cold and precise the future version of Bond is to this more gullible and somewhat devil may care version is. Read Full Review
This issue hits upon the perfect balance of exciting historical fiction and classic Bond storytelling. Read Full Review
This is an incredibly well done book from start to finish. Read Full Review
With Izabel as the main focus here and the story told through her eyes, James Bond: Origin has a really great feeling to it. It dials into the issue of trust that had come up previously in what it takes to be a good agent. I liked the way Parker told the story through her and gave it a sense of potential for shortening the war. I also loved Bob Q's artwork as he comes up with some great stuff here that makes it feel authentic in all the right ways. The combination of the two gives us another engaging look at the formation of the 00 agent that we know and it all feels natural and on the right path. Read Full Review