After confronting the mysterious man who is apparently posing as Lamont Cranston, Margo Lane finds herself drawn into a world of violent intrigue as an agent of The Shadow! Carnage escalates in the mob war begun by Big Gun Massaretti but secretly orchestrated by the grotesque figure known only as Dr. Zorn! Meanwhile, The Shadow begins to recruit what will become his famous network of operatives. Eisner Award winning writer, Matt Wagner continues this pulp masterpiece that for the first time reveals the fledgling adventures of one of pop culture's greatest iconic heroes! Joined by artist Wilfredo Tormore
I eagerly await this book each month because it's head and shoulders above other books. Many cannot compete with the great story, outstanding art, perfect coloring, and precise lettering. Other books wish they were The Shadow: Year One. Highest possible recommendation! Read Full Review
The Shadow: Year One #4 is a good jaunt whether you're new to the franchise or not. Recommended. Read Full Review
The Shadow: Year One continues to be a series that's respectful of what came before while still offering up something fresh. Read Full Review
I'm hoping Wagner speeds things up a little in the next issue involving The Shadow's investigations as well as the reveal of Zorn's motives and origins. For fans. Read Full Review