Wolfcop #1

Writer: Max Marks Artist: Arcana Studios Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: October 26, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Ever since hard-drinking local Woodhaven police officer Lou Garou had a late-night bender and stumbled onto dark magic, his life has been turned upside down. Now he moonlights as WolfCop, a rage-fueled, bourbon-swilling, magnum-toting, rabid warrior for justice! WOLFCOP #1 sees everyone's favorite alcoholic lycanthropic lawman tearing out of the big screen and onto these gorgeous pages to fight bigger, badder, and meaner monsters than anything that has threatened Woodhaven before!

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Kieran Fisher Oct 27, 2016

    Lowell Dean created a fantastic character with WolfCop when he unleashed the movie a couple of years ago. Now Max Marks has taken what made the character so special in the first place and expanded the story in a fresh, fun way which feels like a natural continuation and something brand new entirely. Overall, WolfCop #1 is perfect. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 29, 2016

    If you haven't seen the movie yet you won't feel left out. Your provided with enough dialogue to get a feel for the characters. This is plenty of action and humor in this debut issue. The story even wraps up the arc in the debut issue. After reading you'll still feel like it's a cliffhanger only cause you want to continue on this journey with Wolfcop and his best buddy Willie right away. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    BGCP - Michael Nunneley Oct 25, 2016

    I really enjoyed this comic. It obviously had a great team working on it. The art and story fit together like a glove. The art portrayed the horror, mayhem and macabre story of WolfCop in a brilliant and collaborative way. The story is fun and entertaining. I would definitely recommend this title. It's well worth the money for any horror fan and definitely not for children or the faint of heart. Its no holds barred action and violence is a unique and pleasant surprise in the world of comics. I look forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Dec 4, 2016

    Our only real gripe withWolfcop #1 was that the main villain was barely a part of the story. He barged his way into the issue, and then quickly exited. But if there's one thing the comic truly delivers on, is it's no holds barred approach to the horror genre. That's also the best thing about the title too – it isn't afraid to be as outlandish or as crazy as it wants. Wolfcop vs Bikers on the highway? Pretty normal. Wolfcop vs Hogman? Sure thing. Cannibal bikers? Why not. This brutal horror flick is everything the B-Movie genre boasts but in a 34 page short story. Looking for a nonstop bloody thrill ride that only requires you to accept the weird?Wolfcop #1 is the one for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Cain Walter Nov 2, 2016

    Packed with classic Grindhouse character, Wolfcop #1 brings the blood, the exploitation, and more than enough violence for one issue. In one night, our Wolfcop proceeds to rescue some 80"s hot women, disembowel an entire cannibalistic biker gang along with its werehog leader, and drink about 3 fifths of whiskey! If that's not a full night and a promising first issue, I don't know what is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Erik Goodrich Oct 24, 2016

    In the end, I had a blast reading itWolf Cop #1. It was a quick read mind you, but that was just the pace of the comic, as they did not waste more than a couple panels on the first page to connect the comic to the movie. With the pacing being what it is,Wolf Cop may work better as a trade paperback, but that's only something that time will tell. But in the meantime, grab yourself a copy of #1 and have a good time with Lou and Willie as they discover that Lou's lycanthropy might not be the most terrifying of creatures on the Canadian back roads. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Oct 26, 2016

    WolfCop #1 doesn't have time for any of that chatter. It concerns itself with the wanton violence and casual bloodletting you'd expect from a comic book with a premise like that. Look, I don't know about you, but it's October, and sometimes I just want to read a comic book where a werewolf wears a damn badge. WolfCop happily obliges. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    SciFiPulse - Oral Frier Oct 25, 2016

    Going into Wolf Cop #1, you don't know exactly what to expect beyond it being ridiculous, yet the massive amount of blood, gore, and puns adds a variety to a premise that can could have easily fizzled out. If you are into decapitation, cannibalism, and werewolves kicking ass, give this title a shot. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Oct 26, 2016

    So, be your own judge. If you need senselessness violence by monsters in your life, this might be the book for you. If not, well you knew what you were getting into with a comic titled Wolfcop. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 26, 2016

    If you loved the film, grab the comic. I'm sure you'll love it. It's not a bad premise to bring to comics, but then it also doesn't effectively use the medium to tell a story. That's the number one problem with adaptations like this; they try to be the medium they're coming from, rather than respecting and using the medium they're being presented in now. Simply put, if I wanted more of the movie, I would re-watch/finish the movie. However, I wouldn't pay four bucks to read the sequel. Read Full Review

  • 1.9
    Multiversity Comics - Liam Budd Oct 27, 2016

    Overall, the creative team behind "Wolfcop" #1 failed to comprehend whether its source material could translate to a comic book. I actually believe it can, but not without understanding how and why it must change. If not, then you are left with a book that completely misses the mark while appealing to only a small audience. This is truly lowest common denominator. Read Full Review

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