Assassinistas #2

Writer: Tini Howard Artist: Gilbert Hernandez Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 17, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"Pregnant Pauses and Campout Makeouts" Dominic Price is a college-age cutie pie who just wants to spend the semester making out with his boyfriend, Taylor, in between rounds of TurboLight Fighter and maintaining a solidly passable 3.2 GPA. His mom, Octavia, formerly a badass action-movie-quality bounty hunter, didn't pay his tuition, because she had to get back in the business and spend 40K on black market weapons and body armor And she's bringing Dominic with her, because the alternative is making lattes for a semester, and he'd rather die. Good thing in mom's line of work, dying is an option!

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Ray.A Jan 17, 2018

    IDW comics never ceases to amaze. Just when I think the company is all about reviving throwback heroes from the 80s, they throw me for a loop and enlists the talent a modern day legend in the process. Assassinistas has all the right ingredients to be another Hernandez work that we will rant and rave about for years to come. Grab Assassinistas today and be ahead of the curve! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - Molly Barnewitz Jan 16, 2018

    Tini Howard and Gilbert Hernandez's ASSASSINISTAS #2 is an exciting development in the story of hitwoman Octavia "Red October" Price. The second issue takes time to develop the characters, introducing intriguing facts about Octavia's personal history. What the issue lacks in plot, it makes up for in brilliant and humorous details. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Crusaders - Bryan Spaulding Jan 17, 2018

    Assassinistas is a series where comics and pulp cinema tangle and have a love child. The two seem like they were destined to be together and I'm glad they finally were born to be presented to the world. Check out this issue and see if you agree. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jan 17, 2018

    In Assassinistas #2, Tini Howard, Gilbert Hernandez, and Rob Davis take the messiness, yet real love between a mother and a son and throws it in the middle of a gun toting with the potential for geysers of blood exploitation flick. Its hilarious to see modern day teenagers react to intense situations they were far from prepared for, especially in the last third of the comic where Dominic goes from trading barbs with his mom to running around shirtless with a rifle. Howard and Hernadez find a solid middle ground between verbal and visual comedy without losing the suspense factor. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Brandy Dykhuizen Jan 23, 2018

    I look forward to seeing how the power of blood bonds blends into the dynamics of the Assassinistas' chosen family. It's a series I'll likely stick with to the end. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Gregory Ellner Jan 19, 2018

    Howard's writing, though well thought out, might not be enough to win some people over with Hernandez's art style, but the whole package does seem to come together rather nicely. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Kelly Gaines Jan 17, 2018

    As for the Assassinistas art style, artist Gilbert Hernandez gives the book a very straightforward look reminiscent of punk rock album covers and 1990's 'zines'. The main question I ask myself when critiquing a comic's art is whether or not the art fits the story, or distract the reader from fully engaging with the text. Hernandez's art fits the gritty flash of Assasinista's style like a custom bullet in an illegally purchased gun (ahem, Octavia). Assassinistas has the potential to appeal to comic fans of multiple genres. It's a read worth checking out. Read Full Review

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