Brynmore #1
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Brynmore #1

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Damien Worm Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: June 28, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
7.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

From the creators of The October Faction, Steve Niles and Damien Worm, comes a new horror tale, Brynmore! Recently divorced and sober, Mark Turner has returned to his hometown looking for a second chance. He'll rebuild the old church into a new home... if the locals let him. But Turner Island has a secret, one tracing back to when it was named after Mark's ancestors. Who, or what, is Brynmore?

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Ronnie Gorham Jun 30, 2023

    Brynmore #1 may not seem spooky at first, but the final pages offer an unexpected twist that will leave you eager for the second issue. Overall, the comic is intriguing and worth sticking with to see where the story goes next. It's definitely worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comic Watch - Tyler Davis Jun 30, 2023

    Brynmore #1is surprisingly light on plot or details, the promise of its ominous narrative lying within its vague ideas, stunning art, and the trust many readers will have in Steve Niles due to his past work. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 28, 2023

    Worm and Zherno deliver some great art throughout the issue. I like the style a lot and how it has an almost animated look to the characters while the backgrounds and world of the story have a dark, ominous visual tone. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Blair Jun 30, 2023

    Its a great character piece and does a good job of establishing characters that we want to either root for or cheer when they get eaten, but it appears to be saving all the fun weird and scary stuff for later issues.. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    COMICON - Tom Smithyman Jun 27, 2023

    The pacing in this issue is off. Way off. The entire issue is a build-up to a discovery in the last panel that will leave readers flat. The story needs to be repackaged as a complete graphic novel instead of a monthly to maintain readers' interest. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicsOnline - Joe Schickman Jun 28, 2023

    Brynmore # 1 succinctly displays a balanced approach towards the show/tell dichotomy, with artist and writer working in harmony to effect this combination. By focussing on the human aspect of Mark Turners journey throughout the first issue, the creative team has formed a bond between the reader and their very relatable lead character. I finished this issue genuinely caring about Marks future relationships, invested in him reconnecting with his daughter, and curious over what supernatural sights have been set on him. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Adam Barnhardt Jun 28, 2023

    While there's likely (hopefully?) more to the story, this introductory issue is about as flat as can be. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AfterForeverComics Jul 21, 2023

    Brynmore #1 Review

    This book has some real potential. I am a big fan of horror in comics so the cover of this caught my attention right away. I knew nothing about it when I dove into it and it did not disappoint. It is an issue that lays groundwork of what’s to come establishes some different characters and gives us the back story of our main guy Turner

    This takes place on Turner island named after our main character Mark Turner family. However his family isn’t very well liked on the island but Mark is just there to try and get his life together after a divorce and recovering from drugs and alcohol. He decides he is going to renovate the old church and make it into his home. However in doing work he fin more

  • 7.0
    DDJamesB Jul 6, 2023

    It's hard to rate. On one hand, it sets up a character and the town. On the other, nothing really happens. Hopefully we get a more exciting second issue.

  • 8.0
    ComicWorm Aug 28, 2023

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