Silent Hill: Past Life #1
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Silent Hill: Past Life #1

Writer: Tom Waltz Artist: Menton Mathews III Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 3, 2010 Critic Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Felicity Gustafson May 4, 2011

    I could go on for hours praising this story, but its not the same as actually reading it for yourself. I highly recommend any horror lover to read this book. While Past Life is a little different than the other Silent Hill series and can be read as a stand-alone, its a magnificent read nonetheless. Since hes written almost all the other comics, Tom Waltz has Silent Hill down perfectly, so youre guaranteed a bone-chilling, captivating read. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 3, 2010

    The artwork is somewhat mixed in quality so far. Menton Matthews III thankfully doesn't rely on the awkward CG art that dragged down Sinner's Reward. However, the gulf between is inky yet photo-realistic characters and the sparse backgrounds is too wide. Perhaps the reason Silent Hill lacks presence is because Menton barely renders it at all. Menton also frequently shifts between an inky, black style and a scratchier pencil-based look. The latter style ended up suiting the tone of the book better. Menton is also briefly joined by Cowboy Ninja Viking's Riley Rossmo. Rossmo is the true star of the show, providing a eerie, scratchy look that recalls the style of Ben Templesmith. Where both artists succeed is in marrying the Silent Hill aesthetic with American Indian imagery. I look forward to some memorable monster designs as Silent Hill begins to extend its grip on this unsuspecting couple. Read Full Review

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