As a new district attorney takes office in New York City, stoking backlash against the acceptance and political progress mutants have been striving for, Nightwatcher is on the hunt for the Mutant Town crime boss Lao Ban. The only lead to Lao Ban is already trying to escape the city, though, and there's no guarantee he'll give up the intel Nightwatcher needs. If Nightwatcher can't persuade him to turn on Lao Ban, the trail will go cold...and they aren't the only one who's been tracking down Lao Ban's loose end.
I think this is the best issue of the series so far. The depth of the world and the story begin to line up where this series arc is going. The big bad villains and their motives are becoming more clear. Nightwatcher is learning some hard lessons and ends up in a tight spot with a dangerous cliffhanger for the next issue. It may seem easy to deduce where Ba is going, but ultimately their are still plenty of threads he could pull on going forward. Read Full Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Nightwatcher #4 is a game changer in a lot of ways, introducing a new foe for Jennika as well as significantly higher stakes. Read Full Review
Really good story, great writing and good art. Love the angle they're taking and the issues they're addressing. Also, a side note: "Lao Ban"'s name probably refers to "boss" in Chinese. They mention that no one knows his real name but everyone calls him Lao Ban, which can mean Boss. I didn't see that explained anywhere in the book.
Fero Pe's art is really something special and elevates an already great story with even more energy and excitement.