Nightwatcher is beaten and heartbroken from the epic conclusion to the first arc of the series. As she puts the pieces of her life back together and debates whether or not she wants to continue being the Nightwatcher, Lao Ban tries to offer her a place in his future. A future that is great for mutants and awful for everyone else. And in her wounded state, Nightwatcher gives it serious thought. Is her soul in the balance and Lao Ban's for the taking?
Fero Pe and Luis Antonio Delgado continue to bring a striking and beautiful grittiness to the pages of Nightwatcher. The monstrous design of the Nightwatcher is so intimidating and borderline horrific, yet a glimmer humanity keeps it slightly innocent and curious. Read Full Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Nightwatcher #6 is a display of everything that's made the series a standout, from the fight scenes to the emotional heft. Though the ending caption says "To Be Concluded", I hope that's just for a story arc and not the series because I could easily read 50 more issues of this comic. Read Full Review
That all builds to a strong final few pages that Fero Pe beautifully nails giving a cinematic look to build momentum for the final issue. Read Full Review
This book continues to impress me with Ba’s fantastic character work for Jenika while Pe just keeps delivering masterful art. Bad and Pe collaboration works brilliantly with Pa’s dynamic art framing Ba’s narrative.