Born in the cataclysmic cosmic catastrophe known as "The Bigger Bang," Cosmos traversed the barren egg-lands in-between universes, discovered the wisdom of space whales, defeated intergalactic evil, and found love! Now a new threat presents itself, one the hero has never known... worship! What can he give those who would call him God? Intergalactic action and pataphysical philosophy return in THE BIGGEST BANG, the thrilling sequel to the mini-series Den of Geek called one of "the best comics of 2015"!
So far, this is a pretty good series. There is a lot of action, adventure, and discovery. I can’t wait to see more! If you’re into superheroes and aliens, this series was meant for you. Read Full Review
This book isn't all bad. I now want to read Bigger Bang, not just to answer some of the questions I have in this book, but to actual read and study it. Yes, my comic book reading is methodical. Mixed feelings are continuing to grow by the end of this book. I know art isn't everything, but art is my life. Biggest Bang does seem to have a decent story, so I think I'll stay on. Read Full Review
Theres the possibility that itll all come together at the end, that the dream-state that its in right now is just that, and the storyll wake up come issue 3. Perhaps Im not reading enough into it. Or maybe too much. Its certainly worth a gander for the visuals. But either way, when its not clear why youre being weird, its hard to make yourself stand out from the people who are being weird for the sake of it. I can only recommend it eh experimentally, I guess? Read Full Review