High above Cybertron, the planet's inner moon unfolds to become a gigantic energon harvester, a magnificent show for Bumblebee and his new friend. Meanwhile, Megatron is assembling a new security force, but rumors abound about the new team. A cosmic epic of grand scale, presented by Star Trek/Green Lantern and Injustice 2 artist Angel Hernandez! Plus awesome action by G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero and Revolutionaries artist Ron Joseph! A brand new era of Transformers! Featuring 35th Anniversary covers by Guido Guidi!
Angel Hernandez and Cachet Whitman deliver some beautifully detailed art throughout this issue and all of the characters look amazing. Read Full Review
This issue continues to be a thoroughly good installment in the new Transformers world, even though it gets a little wordy at times. Read Full Review
The issue, and series, isn't bad there's just a bit of depth and maturity that's missing. The story and series is pretty basic keeping it to a whodunnit story. There's also a bit of a feeling that some choices are done more for fanservice from the previous volume as opposed to really driving the story (ex. Elita-1's inclusion in this issue). This issue is an improvement but this is definitely a different direction and vision than what we've previously seen. Read Full Review
A very good continuation that slows down a little more than it should at this point. However, beautiful art will keep you turning the page. Read Full Review
Is the formation of the Decepticon army at hand? New mysteries abound as the story progresses. Read Full Review
Transformers #3doesn't progress the plot in any large way as Ruckley continues setting the board up, but some of the backstory and new characters he introduces are interesting if a bit much to get through. The art from Hernandez, Whitman and Lafuente is fairly detailed in their looks and movements. Hopefully we'll get more information sooner than later on what is actually going on on Cybertron with The Rise and that Megatron's motives aren't so clear-cut and predictable just yet. Read Full Review
Transformers #3 isn't in a rush to get anywhere, in terms of both story and art. Read Full Review
This issue features a LOT of characters and even more dialogue, with little in the way of plot progression or incident, making the read a bit of a slog. Read Full Review
Geomotus is an interesting new bot, but not much happens in this issue overall.