A Thing Called Truth #5
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A Thing Called Truth #5

Writer: Iolanda Zanfardino Artist: Elisa Romboli Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 2, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

A promise to never talk about the past is worthless when, deep down, you don't want to keep it.

Dorian will finally find the courage to tell Mag about her past and her possible future, but her confession may have some totally unexpected consequences...

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Mar 4, 2022

    A Thing Called Truth #5 delivers a perfect end to a near-flawless story. It manages to create the emotional tension necessary for its big finale without hurting either of its starring characters. Mag and Dorian are wonderful, incredible characters, right up to the last perfect page. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Mar 10, 2022

    'A Thing Called Truth' has been a breath of fresh air in comics with this heartfelt, funny, and charming romantic misadventure. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBook.com - Charlie Ridgely Mar 2, 2022

    While the final pages are satisfying, there's a lot more left in the tank. Read Full Review

  • 10
    KittyNone Mar 2, 2022

    I'm torn on how to review this, because as the end of the first arc it's magnificent, but as the end of the series (which it appears to be?) it's abrupt and seems to abandon a fair amount of story in favor of bringing the main romance to a conclusion. I'll give it a 10 on its merits, because it was beautiful and made me cry, but as part of the larger story it has an abruptness that I usually attribute to comics which were cancelled rather than the intended ending to a 5-issue mini. Hopefully this sells well and the abandoned plot threads will be picked up in a sequel, because I am absolutely ready for 2 Thing 2 Truth

  • 9.5
    Jeroen DarkSkywise Mar 29, 2022

    Ginormous "Awwww!" content! I actually *felt* for those two, can you believe it? :D Also, one of the very few times I'm wishing with extreme loudness that the 2nd arc should start, like, RIGHT NOW? Pleeeeease? ;)

    But why not a 10, you ask? Well, there was a spot where the timing sagged a bit - a book that literally races from scene to scene to scene (yes, they made me hold my breath in places!) isn't the bestest spot for lengthy monologues... I subconsciously skipped a few bits during the first read, so subtract 1 point here - but add an extra half-point for Mag *not* saying anywhere "I'm the Doctor, run for your life!" but boy, did I hear her *think* it!

    OK, I'm weird, sue me. :P

  • 3.0
    nightmusic08 Jun 1, 2022

    I really want to like this series and I do believe it could’ve been really sweet had it continued past this issue, but i feel like so much of the story is unresolved (the whole lab subplot just… disappears) and I just cannot forgive how sloppy the editing is throughout the whole series. This issue was definitely sweet and gave a satisfying conclusion to the romance arc but so SO much fell short.

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