Battle Chasers #12

Writer: Joe Madureira Artist: Ludo Lullabi Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 23, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
8.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Garrison's will is tested as his showdown with the Martial Paladins comes to a fateful conclusion. Gully confronts her criminal half-brother. Contains 32 action-packed pages and no ads!

  • 10
    COMICON - Anton Kromoff Aug 28, 2023

    Battle Chasers #12 is phenomenal, let's get that out of the way first. If you want to know if this book is good or not, yes, 100%, it's great. If you love Sword and Sorcery, you are going to think this is a fantastic issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Antonio Rodriguez Aug 23, 2023

    Do yourself a favor and pick up Battle Chasers because this is without a doubt going to become an instant classic in the comics world, and I think you should be there when it happens. I am excited to continue reading and seeing the art continue growing and expanding. I'm also very excited to see how Ludo handles more peaceful scenes, because this comic is so action-packed that I can't even imagine how it's going to look once we are out of battle and into more serene waters. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Aug 23, 2023

    Lullabi offers some brilliantly detailed and exciting art throughout the issue. The visuals are fantastic and the artistic style complements the pacing, action and tone of the story perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Aug 23, 2023

    BATTLE CHASERS #12 gives you everything you want in an action/fantasy game adaptation with big fights, dramatic tension, plot progression, stakes, and character development. Madureiras script is all the more impressive for the number of subplots that get equal time to shine, and Lulabis art is exquisite. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerd Initiative - Ken M. Aug 23, 2023

    The first arc back for the legendary fantasy series wraps up one story while setting the stage to an ever bigger tale in the near future. Madureira and Lullabi continue their successful formula of strong writing and artwork to leave no doubt to new and old readers alike that Battle Chasers is back and here to stay! Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Chase Magnett Aug 23, 2023

    As the series leans into its chaotic style of action and delivers on the promise of hulking figures breaking one another, the possibility of a future return sounds far more promising than it did just a few months ago. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Watch - Sean Winningham Aug 24, 2023

    Overall, the arc was good, but it felt like a major firework rocket that didn't take off. There was so much build-up in issue 10 and 11 that this issue just seemed to fizzle out at the end. Hopefully, issue #13 will kick off the new arc with a planned ending that will definitely give it a bang. Read Full Review

  • 9.0

    Pretty interesting. I didn't think it could all wrap up here. After all, the mysterious mastermind Lord August still hasn't even revealed himself or shown what he truly has planned. Then there's the situation back at the castle. It shows more excitement is ahead. I just hope Madureira goes through with what he's promising this time and doesn't leave us in suspense for another 22 years. It is a good idea to work on a few issues a year giving us a 3 or 4 part arc, and I just hope it happens. but he did promise to work more on this stuff in 2002 but didn't. But I'm also hoping he can do it now with an artist for the book as well, lightening the load.
    Battle Chasers is a good comic. And with the continuing decline of Marvel and DC, which s more

  • 8.5
    ResearchReader Jan 11, 2024

    This review could have scored higher if Joe didnt decide to pace things the way he has.

    As for the issue itself, its great. Lots of info dropped, great fights, some power levels established and more debts to untrustworthy sources. All the characters have their next destinations and lot of tantalizing plots. Art is quite nice.

    Now for this pacing problem... If he sticks to 3-4 issues a year, I dont actually mind. However with how vague he was at the end of the book, I dont want to wait 5 years or even 3 years for the next arc (I will forget about this book at that rate). However, even if its only 4 issues a year, I can do that. I dont mind a slightly different schedule order as the story itself is quite fun.

  • 8.0
    Drasek83 Aug 31, 2023

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