Antonio Rodriguez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Crusaders Reviews: 89
9.1Avg. Review Rating

2000AD #2330

May 16, 2023

A good read with a couple of things to keep in mind because it is not at all your standard comic book.

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Alice Cooper (2023) #2

Nov 8, 2023

If you're a rock fan, this book might be for you. However, if you're an Alice Cooper fan, then this book is definitely for you. If you've never heard of Alice Cooper one of the forefathers of modern rock, metal music and shock performance then you need to head outside a little more, and then pop into your local comic book store and maybe give this story a read. I promise it'll at the very least get a few chuckles out of you.

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All Eight Eyes (2023) #3

Jul 8, 2023

This is a no-nonsense type of book, there's no frills or extra noise. It's all about the story and everything inside the 30 pages is working in tandem to immerse you into a world where giant spiders are real and the government is trying to keep them a reader. In this world, someone has to deal with the pest and Vinny is the guy to do it.

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Alligator Loki (2023) #1

Sep 19, 2023

This book is perfect in so many ways! I loved every second of it. Do not dilly dally and take a bite out of this comic as soon as you can get your little alligator claws on it.

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Antarctica (2023) #1

Jul 12, 2023

This is not a bad comic at all, it's just too fast-paced for a first issue that is meant to be much more emotional and dramatic than action-oriented.

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Antarctica (2023) #3

Sep 20, 2023

In conclusion, I am enjoying this story and the series as a whole as each new twist and turn adds that much more. This is one of those stories that you should try your best to follow along with, because it's getting better and better!

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Antarctica (2023) #4

Dec 5, 2023

Without a doubt, this is another stellar job by the Antarctica team, and I cannot wait to see what that positive apocalypse amounts to be. I'm excited to continue reading and seeing how this arc comes to an end in issue 5.

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Antarctica (2023) #5

Dec 12, 2023

This is a great time-traveling/dimensional travel story. It is filled with wonderful action sequences, fantastic character moments, and a deep look at the mind of a person who has lost their father for no reason at all and can't truly grieve and move on until she finds out the truth of his mysterious disappearance.

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Antarctica (2023) #6

Dec 13, 2023

If you've been reading Antarctica up to this point, I would suggest you continue. There are some very interesting points being laid out in this issue that will for sure influence the decisions and consequences that will play out in future chapters. However, if you're just starting, I suggest you go back and read the first 5 issue story arc before jumping into this one. Not only will you be as enthralled by this story as I am, but you will find yourself understanding the impact that having a 7-year-old Hannah in a simulation entails in the overall landscape of the story.

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Astonishing Iceman (2023) #2

Sep 20, 2023

My final thoughts on this issue however is that it's an amazing comic, and definitely one worth your money. I am definitely shivering from excitement at the notion of seeing what new blizzard of trouble Iceman skis into.

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Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #5

Aug 9, 2023

In conclusion, it's still a fun read despite its flaws in character design and lettering. The coloring itself is enough to make this a wonderful experience to read through, and just to look at. I think there is a lot of potential in this story and I am excited to see what the next issue will bring. Also, it is common that as the series progresses and the artists get more practice at drawing the same character over and over they will get better in each issue so I'm looking forward to seeing that growth happen.

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Batman Incorporated (2022) #10

Jul 21, 2023

Like the true nature of psychopathy, morality, and whether killing is good or bad if it is done for the safety of others. These are big questions and whenever a medium like comics is used to explore these ideas, we have truly outstanding literature. I don't know where the story will continue from here, but this book spells awards to me personally.

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Batman: The Adventures Continue: Season Three #7

Aug 28, 2023

This was just a fun read overall, I enjoyed the semi-serious tone of the whole comic and I really appreciated the relationship that Poison Ivy and Harley Queen had. Those two made up most of the comedic relief in the book, along with a little bit of help from Robin, and honestly, if you like Batman I don't see a reason why you shouldn't pick up this comic.

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Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #6

Oct 25, 2023

Even though, it is a DC-published book there is something about it that feels a little indie, perhaps it's the amount of freedom that the artists had in order to redesign such iconic characters in ways that I personally had never seen done before.

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Battle Chasers (2023) #10

Jun 14, 2023

If you're looking for an action-packed comic that is beautifully illustrated, amazingly colored, and filled to the brim with cool explosions and wonderful character designs, Battle Chasers is the comic for you.

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Battle Chasers (2023) #12

Aug 23, 2023

Do yourself a favor and pick up Battle Chasers because this is without a doubt going to become an instant classic in the comics world, and I think you should be there when it happens. I am excited to continue reading and seeing the art continue growing and expanding. I'm also very excited to see how Ludo handles more peaceful scenes, because this comic is so action-packed that I can't even imagine how it's going to look once we are out of battle and into more serene waters.

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Black Panther (2023) #5

Oct 9, 2023

This issue was a bit gruelling, but I hope that it was a necessary evil for an awesome payoff in the next chapter of the story.

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Bloodrik (2023) #3

Feb 7, 2024

In my opinion, this has the potential to be a classic. It is well-drawn, it is easy to read, and it delivers a rush of adrenaline like only a handful of stories I've ever read before. It almost gives me the same feeling I got when reading Joe Kubert's Tor remake.

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Breath Of Shadows #4

May 9, 2023

This book is quite good and whilst a bit hard to get reading halfway down the story, it is still a great work of gruesome, bloody art. Not to mention that last page, and the awesome cliffhanger it ends on. I think this book is worth it just for the writing alone, but the mental journeys of the characters' minds, definitely boost the enjoyment of this book.

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Buffy: The Last Vampire Slayer (2023) #4

Nov 8, 2023

In conclusion, there is a lot of potentials here, and I want to see it be fully tapped into.

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Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest (2023) #4

Oct 10, 2023

"Quite inventive has to be the two words I use to summarize this issue. It is fun to read, it is beautiful to look at, and all in all a tremendous experience. I am excited to see this story and these artists continue developing this series.

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Cat Fight (2023) #3

Sep 13, 2023

It was a good read. I enjoyed the art more than the writing because with just a 7 page sample it's a little hard to really get invested in the characters, but I look forward to reading more and seeing how the story develops. Did Felix Lamar really kill his grandma or is this all just a trick?

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Cemetery Kids Don't Die (2024) #2

Mar 28, 2024

In conclusion, while this might not be my cup of tea in a lot of regards, I do feel like it has a ton of potential and I am hoping that as the comic progresses these little kinks will be ironed out and the real crux of the story will come through and we will have a great payoff at the end of the series. I look forward to reading more and hopefully seeing this comic and its creators grow through its development.

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Clear (2021) #3

May 15, 2023

This series is a must-read for everything that enjoys sci-fi dystopian stories, and just literally every comics fan out there because it's magnificent.

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Creepshow (2022): Vol. 2 #2

Oct 16, 2023

This is the sort of series that I would crack upon every October for years to come.

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Damn Them All (2022) #7

Aug 10, 2023

If you like Supernatural, Hellboy, or Constantine this book is probably for you. It is fun to read although a bit violent at times, easy to read, and contains some pretty realistic information about magickal topics that make it feel like a book that was either really well researched or the author has a first-hand experience with the world of modern-day magick and ritualism. It's a bit heavy on the eyes so be warned but it's not bad art, it's just overwhelming in some parts. Prepare however to fall in love with the godly dog, you have been advised.

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Deadweights (2024) #2

May 14, 2024

Ahoy Comics is doing something very unique not only with the DeadWeights comics but just in general with the way they put together a comic book. The immense standard of quality, not only with the art in the book but right through to the short stories make this a must-read book. Even if you don't care about superheroes, I would pick it up just for that second short story, that was some crazy crazy stuff to read through. The last time I read something that good I was reading a Jason Pargin novel.

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Destiny Gate (2023) #4

Jan 10, 2024

I enjoyed it. It is easy to read, straight to the point and even though I'm jumping in at the 4th issue the credit page did a fantastic job at summarizing the story in three quick paragraphs that told me who the major players where and what to expect from the story. If you're in the market for a psychological thriller, a film noir aesthetic, and something that will without a doubt make you reflect on your wants, needs, and demons then Destiny Gate is for you.

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Disney Villains: Maleficent (2023) #1

May 24, 2023

All in all, this is a good first issue for any story and I'm excited to see more by the talented Soo Lee and Co. I know I mentioned it at the beginning but it makes me very happy seeing that a single person wrote and illustrated the whole comic. In a world ruled by corporations (Disney is one of the biggest), it is still a joy to see a single artist take on a full project and deliver quality, creativity, and passion.

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Doctor Who: Doom's Day (2023) #1

Jul 9, 2023

There is a lot of potential here and if they are able to fine-tune that potential, they will turn me into a full-time reader. I haven't changed my opinion on Doctor Who comics just yet, but there might be a comic from this team that turns me around, I can feel it, they are closing in on something good, just a little extra push and they'll find it.

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Edge of Spider-Verse (2023) #1

May 9, 2023

Wow, things have really gotten wacky in the Spider-Verse last I read a Spider-man book. This book is quite a rollercoaster.

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Fallen (2023) #6

Aug 27, 2023

It's not bad but it's not great. It feels a little safe at the moment.

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Fence #3

Aug 7, 2023

Overall this is a pretty good story, it's fun to read, the art is pretty good, the coloring is great and there are some really fantastic panels in it. The writing is pretty good too, even if the pacing can be a little hard to keep up with, but regardless I think this is a great addition to the series and I look forward to reading more of it.

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Fence #4

Sep 14, 2023

In my mind, a story about fencing simply has to be boring, but this book is turning that idea completely upside down. I would not be surprised if the next comic they make is about golfing (another sport that seems highly uninteresting) and they turn it into a masterpiece just like this one.

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Forgotten Runes: Wizard's Cult (2023) #3

Mar 27, 2024

At times it felt like I was reading a story set in a DND campaign which is not a bad thing at all and is something that I enjoyed greatly.

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Gargoyles: Dark Ages (2023) #1

Jul 12, 2023

Overall this is a nostalgia piece, and yet it's clearly aimed at children because there is a huge war scene at the end and we literally see no blood, and no one dying, it's super tame for a war scene.

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Gargoyles: Quest (2024) #2

Jul 21, 2024

Honestly, I did not enjoy this. There are so many things I felt were wrong with it that I had a really hard time reading through the whole thing. As a gargoyles og fan, I can't recommend this. I hope they do better for this series. Speaking of, just because I don't recommend this particular series does not mean I hate all new-age gargoyles content. That's not it at all, there are some really good gargoyles books published by Disney that are worth your time, I've done reviews of them in the past and you should probably spend your money on those books and not this ones.

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Giant Robot Hellboy (2023) #1

Nov 1, 2023

Despite not being drawn by Mignola themselves, Duncan Fegredo does a fantastic job at retaining the original style of Hellboy whilst still adding his own spin to it.

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Hack / Slash: Back To School (2023) #2

Nov 28, 2023

In conclusion, this is just a fun story to read. It has unexpected turns, and a lot of lore to follow. The art is able to deliver some great moments, and if you're a fan of horror and comedy (think Shaun of the Dead) then this could be right up your alley.

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Harley Quinn (2021) #35

Jan 8, 2024

Perhaps a teenager or a young adult could enjoy this, but other than that I think this needs some work.

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I Hate This Place #8

May 9, 2023

I give this book a well-deserved 4.9 out of 5 stars for its amazing art, and wonderful narrative and it's amazing job at creating a world that, whilst I do not want to live in, I definitely want to read more about.

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Ice Cream Man #37

Oct 29, 2023

All in all, even with the fact that I was almost brought to tears by the sad topics being discussed, this was a great read and one that made me reflect greatly on the nature of the suicide of my closest friend. Whether selfless or selfish, suicide is one of those things that impacts everyone in the lives of the victims.

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Labyrinth (1986) #2

May 13, 2024

This fantasy adventure drama is really good. It's funny, it has suspense and it just feels masterful in so many ways.

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Madballs vs. Garbage Pail Kids #4

May 16, 2023

All in all it's a fun little read, it's not too short and it's packed with all sorts of gooey action and fun, so it's quite a fast read as well.

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Monolith (2024) #1

Jul 16, 2024

It was fun but the overall polish of the product could have been much better. If you want to pass a quick 20 minutes just looking at bloody action scenes, then this book might be for you. It's fun, a little childish in parts but fun.

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Monstress #45

Jul 10, 2023

It's not a perfect comic by any means but it is a fun read. However, this is one of those comics that I would wait to get the TPB instead of reading individual issues, and that way I can get a mouthful of this story instead of nibbling away at a very interesting albeit complex story.

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Monstress #50

Mar 30, 2024

I love this book. It is one of my favorite books to read whenever I come by it. It's rich with lore, the environments are amazing and it somehow gives me the same feeling that watching Princess Mononoke for the first time gave me. I can't praise it enough.

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Once Upon a Time at the End of the World #7

Jul 9, 2023

All in all, this is one of those pretty much perfect comic issues that you stumble upon in your local comic book store, because it is a perfect marriage of art, writing, and lettering that makes you feel sweet emotions and perhaps envision a world that is so different than ours that you are able to step away from the toxicity of our real society for a couple of minutes. To me, that is sheer beauty.

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Quest (2023) #5

Jan 31, 2024

This was a very fun read and despite its flaws, there is still a great story to be read here. The pacing felt wonderful and it had me hooked right from the start. It also did a great job of showing you that there is a deeper world of lore at work here without having to spoon-feed it to you.

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Rick and Morty: Kingdom Balls (2024) #1

Apr 30, 2024

If you're a Rick and Morty fan or a child of the 90's 2000's you gotta pick this baby up. It's a fun read, it's short, it's funny and it has some beautiful illustrations.

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Rogue Sun #13

Jun 26, 2023

I want to suggest this story for you because it is very good in many places, but if I have to suggest anything to you is that you pick up issue 1 first and work your way up till you reach this issue so that you're not as lost as I am and can truly and fully enjoy this comic the way the creators intended.

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Rogue Sun #14

Jul 26, 2023

This was a great issue overall and I think I liked this a lot more than the previous issue. A definite read through and through.

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Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #1

Mar 6, 2024

In conclusion, is this a title to look out for? Heck yeah! It's written by McFarlane, and it's a Sam and Twitch joint. This is going to be an interesting read, but for established fans of the detectives, this could take a little time to get used to. It feels a lot more serious than previous entries, and while Sam and Twitch have always been serious characters, the semi-realistic art style and movie-esque panels and lettering push to read this less like a comic and more like a movie storyboard. Bear that in mind as you pick this up next from your local comic book store.

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Santos Sisters (2022) #4

Jun 12, 2023

This is a fun book, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. All the issues it has come from its layout rather than its actual content. The way the ads are handled and the fact that it doesn't have a credit page are really my only major issues with this book, but other than that, this is a fun book and worth a read.

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Scarlet Witch (2023) #5

May 25, 2023

Well, that is all for today from me, your favorite magic-using, mutant correspondent. I hope to see you next time for another review of yet another awesome comic, or maybe a bad one, who knows? All I know is that this issue of Scarlet Witch is a banger and you should pick it up as soon as you can because I think you will not be disappointed in the slightest. Oh, and the letter section on this comic is called "Scarlet Letters I mean, come on that's just so good! Even the preview page of the next issue is made to look like a hand-written letter from one of the characters. This book is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Sensational She-Hulk (2023) #5

Feb 12, 2024

In all honesty, I wasn't a huge fan of this issue. It simply didn't fully catch my attention as so many other comics are able to do. It was fun, and there's no doubt about that. Yet, even with all the things that got set-up in this issue, that do seem interesting.

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Sirens of the City (2023) #6

Jan 31, 2024

If you're into a darker superhumans/mutants story this might be right up your alley. It also reminds me of the newer Static Shock stories, so if you're a fan of that, you could be a fan of this as well.

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Something Epic (2023) #2

Jun 15, 2023

I don't know what to say, other than kudos and massive props for this work of art. This type of comic shows us that it's not all about explosions, fight scenes, blood, or even jokes (which, by the way, Szymon even manages to throw in a couple of jokes here and there to ease your tension), but that a story can also be sad and downright profound and still be just as captivating as the superhero flavor of the week. The lettering by DC Hopkins is great, the art is wonderful, and the writing is amazing. The cover leaves a little to be desired, but overall, this really is something epic.

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Spawn #346

Nov 5, 2023

This issue is more of a build-up for the payoff, of course, you need these sorts of issues to really tell your story and to truly give the ultimate satisfactory payoff, this issue is not for the Spawn philistine. It is however great for comic veterans, and anyone who loves the medium of comics because as a piece of media, it hits all the points a good comic must hit to be considered good in the first place.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #2

May 23, 2023

Between Spider-Woman, Ghostrider, and Blade I don't know whose design I like more but I think this is a wonderful series to study when it comes to great character design and I hope more artists take note of how to redesign renowned characters in the future. A great story with great art.

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Spirit World (2023) #5

Oct 8, 2023

Overall, it's an alright story, visually it is stunning, and the script is good. The big points are good, and I am sure that this series will gain more traction as it continues forward as well as hopefully lose its main character explains everything twice syndrome.

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #36

Jul 20, 2023

This issue is filled with lots of action shots, beautifully drawn characters, great writing, and fantastic backgrounds and coloring. The lettering could use a little more creativity to marry the art better, but even then it's not so bad that it makes the story unreadable, and this is a hell of a story. If you like Star Wars, guns, explosions, or got the hots for "Bobby Fetty then get in line for this issue of Star Wars Bounty Hunters because it is a juicy one.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #32

Jun 2, 2023

All in all, this is a great issue and everyone in this team is firing on all cylinders. Even the cover art does a wonderful job of showing how dynamic and fun these two characters are! My only wish was to see R2 somewhere in that cover art, even though he's not that important in the actual issue. R2 has a couple of nice little cameos that bring out a nice chuckle, so our boy should've definitely been on that cover.

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Static (2021): Shadows of Dakota #6

Oct 10, 2023

There is nothing childish or cute about this series. It is everything I would've wanted the animated show to be, had I been watching it in my young adult or teenage years. With such a small team, it is amazing to see such truly expert work. I hope that Vita and Nikolas continue to deliver this outstanding work in future issues, as I am delighted to have read this one.

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Swan Songs (2023) #2

Aug 11, 2023

Love and anger are truly human emotions and everyone will no doubt have gone through them at some point in their life, we've all been in love one way or another and we've all been broken up with, but to be able to analyze it and then distill it down into a piece of art such as this is a completely new level of letting go, and it gives me true hope that surviving this heartbreak is possible.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Usagi Yojimbo: WhereWhen #4

Jul 7, 2023

I love the way Sakai is able to create these beautifully complex and detailed backgrounds filled to the brim with cross-hatching texture and then overlay equally unique characters on top of these backgrounds and still be able to make them pop. The balance between overly detailed and big simple shapes makes for a contrasting image that is easy to read and just as easy to enjoy and understand.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Black, White & Green (2024) #1

May 13, 2024

This is a great start for a new series in the TMNT franchise and I'm glad I got to read it. It's not too "think, but it's also smart enough to not make me feel like I'm reading the New Teen Titans version of the TMNT. It's a nice dose of emotional drama, action, comedy, and brotherly dynamic that we can easily get behind.

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TerrorWar (2023) #6

Sep 22, 2023

This is a good comic, with good art, a fresh and interesting story with a unique cultural perspective; all in all a comic you should definitely pick up.

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TerrorWar (2023) #8

Dec 24, 2023

I liked this comic very much. It is fun to read, it is well-paced and it has enough action to keep it from getting boring within the more story-heavy points but not too much action that it feels like it's gratuitous. It is a fantastic addition to any futuristic space-age comic collection.

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The Armory Wars, The: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV: Vol. 2 #1

May 14, 2024

If you've read this story so far, which I assume someone has because I doubt Boom! is publishing this to no one , then by all means pick this up to. Be warned though, NOTHING happens in this issue, you might as well skip it and pick up the next one because literally the only interesting part was the last 2 pages and it was the set-up for the next book.

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The Bone Orchard Mythos: Tenement #2

Jul 27, 2023

All in all, the art of this book is nothing to write home about but regardless the story itself is very good and I think if you like horror stories this one would go nice in your collection.

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The Bone Orchard Mythos: Tenement #4

Sep 20, 2023

The book is great, and whilst I don't particularly like the art style used for the characters, I think there are a lot of very good moments, with writing that is so good that these little issues with the art,(which really is just on the characters because there are pages in which the art style works wonders) can be overlooked and you have in your hands a marvellous reading experience worth every minute of your time.

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The Dead Lucky (2022) #9

Oct 18, 2023

This comic features a wonderful book design, wonderful characters, and a great story with equally fantastic lettering and coloring. Whilst being a little on the slow side, it still manages to pack a few funny jokes, some nice action, and a great story recall.

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The Deviant (2023) #5

Jul 18, 2024

This is going to be a great story that just so happens to have picked the medium of comics to be told in. It's not my type of story, it's not the sort of experience I look for when reading comics, but there is no doubt in my mind that if you're the sort of person that enjoy crime podcasts, serial killer documentaries and real horror movies, this book will be for you. This was a very intersting read for me, I did not have fun and yet I come out understanding that comics are much more than action packed romps of artistic escapism.

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The Displaced (2024) #4

Jul 16, 2024

Despite the low-ish score, I did like this comic. The blob in the faces was annoying but the great character designs made up for it. The story was hard to follow but the few really good scenesmade up for it as well. It's not the best comic I've ever read but it was a fun read-through and I think there's a lot more to see from this comic, and I'm excited to see it. All in all I look forward to the next issue.

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The Enfield Gang Massacre (2023) #2

Sep 18, 2023

All in all, this was a great comic to read. I entered thinking that it would be a boring cowboy story but ended up loving every second of it. Oh, and before I forget, the covers are truly exceptional! They remind me of Norman Rockwell's illustrations but with more blood and gore.

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The Holy Roller (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

Other than that bit of "sticker lettering issue, this was a wonderful read and I enjoyed every second of it. I am excited to see what Rick Remender, Andy Samberg and Joe Trohman through at us next. I hope they SPARE no details and keep STRIKING up more fun on this fantastic comic. Because let me tell you, this bowling vigilante is RIGHT UP MY LANE!

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The Sacrificers (2023) #8

Jul 19, 2024

There is something incredibly interesting of putting animals into dramatic worlds that are akin to scenes from Game of Thrones or even Lord of the rings, this is not a particularly happy story but it makes me happy to see how inventive the creators of this story are able to get within the confines of the world they have created.

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Time Before Time #27

Sep 21, 2023

The story itself is very interesting as well, but at # 27 I can't help but feel a little out of the loop. Still, I am excited to go back and read more of this comic because even at this relatively late stage each character seems very interesting and there is no doubt in my mind that each one has a very special and interesting backstory worth looking into. Grab this issue as soon as you can!

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #5

Aug 27, 2023

This was a phenomenal read for me, and I am excited to continue reading more on this series. I also just learned that there's a Doom Patrol tv show so guess I'm gonna be doing some binge watching soon too.

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Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland (2023) #4

Oct 11, 2023

Untold Tales of I Hate Fairyland takes us back to the IHF universe to deliver stories by artists that are not Skottie Young but use the world created by Skottie along with some of its characters to deliver new tales on the series. It is filled with creativity, beautiful art, fantastic lettering, and coloring and quite honestly the only downside of this issue is that there are only 2 stories in it.

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Vampirella Strikes (2022) #13

Jun 1, 2023

This issue of knee-high boot-wearing heroism is wonderful and I'm excited for the next one. I don't think I found a single thing wrong with this comic, I enjoyed the backgrounds, the character art, the lettering, the writing the action sequences, and even the story-building panels. This issue is fantastic in all regards and if you're a Vampirella fan or a Dracula fan, (and since the new Dracula film with Nick Cage and Ben Schwartz just came out, you might be looking for some more vampire-related entertainment) then I definitely suggest you pick this bad girl up. Really wonderful comic making right here.

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Vanish (2022) #8

Jun 28, 2023

Three words that come to my mind to summarize this comic are; intense, bloody, and dramatic. It's so good!

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W0rldtr33 #5

Aug 30, 2023

It is however a mature story featuring nudity, lots of violence, and dark topics so that's something to both be intrigued about as well as mindful of when picking this comic up for yourself or someone else. It's a fun read and one that I will no doubt continue enjoying as I read both forwards and backwards through it's different issues.

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Weird Work (2023) #1

Jul 11, 2023

If you've ever wanted to read an Adult Swim tv show, this is probably as close as you're gonna get.

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What's The Furthest Place From Here? #13

May 25, 2023

I enjoyed this issue very much and the sneak preview at the end of "In Hell, we fight by John Layman and Jok is a nice cherry on top of the delicious vanilla and chocolate sundae that is WTFPFH #13. I'm excited to read more and follow the story of Alabama and Lafayette further, I truly hope that somehow they are both able to stay alive and find a way out of the zoo.

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What's The Furthest Place From Here? #14

Oct 16, 2023

In conclusion, I really like this series. I love what they are doing with the story. I love that I can jump in on any issue and not feel totally and completely lost. I love the art, the character designs, the colors, the lettering, and the cover art; I love the whole thing thoroughly. I can't wait to read this in a Hardcover when the issue is fully completed.

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What's The Furthest Place From Here? #16

Nov 30, 2023

To close off the review, I must be fair and let you know that this is not one of those issues that you can pick up and read without any backstory like a few of the other ones have been. It is still very interesting for the fans of WTFPFH and feels like the perfect set-up for an upcoming action-filled surprise twist.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #15

Sep 18, 2023

This all being said, however, the lettering works and whilst it's not the most creative lettering, it does get the story across and the story is very good. It also doesn't clash too much with the beautiful illustrations so the experience of reading this book is still very satisfying. I highly recommend you take a look at this issue, and if you're a character designer there are definitely some really cool choices being made here that could inspire your designs too.

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