Spawn #346

Writer: Rory McConville Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 25, 2023 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
8.4Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

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The race for the Throne of Hell has begun. Forces and factions from all sides are starting to close in, and Spawn is starting to doubt who he can trust. But without his allies, there is no way he will survive!

  • 10
    Get Your Comic On - Dave Jones Oct 27, 2023

    Intensity in the bucket loads, the race for Hell's throne is on but who will finally sit on there. You may thing the end of this story is sewn up but others are in the wings to change all that. This series is hotting up to a level you can almost burn your fingers on the pages. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Antonio Rodriguez Nov 5, 2023

    This issue is more of a build-up for the payoff, of course, you need these sorts of issues to really tell your story and to truly give the ultimate satisfactory payoff, this issue is not for the Spawn philistine. It is however great for comic veterans, and anyone who loves the medium of comics because as a piece of media, it hits all the points a good comic must hit to be considered good in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Oct 25, 2023

    SPAWN #346 takes a pause in a setup issue that aligns the competing forces for master strokes that could end the war one way or another. The strategic maneuvering could have game-changing consequences for the future, and the art looks great, but the amount of setup defers all the satisfying payoff to a future issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Nov 8, 2023

    The 346th issue of the series feels...exhausted. Everyone is overcome by the relentlessness of it all. There is an overwhelming feeling of fatigue hanging heavily over nearly every panel in the issue. There certainly IS an interesting story in the current issue of Spawn, but it seems to be immersed in a heavy, heavy layer of plot machinery moving around in a massive ensemble of characters who arent really given enough time to really do much of anything to define themselves as individuals. Its a big, amorphous mass of art waiting for the next big fight.  Read Full Review

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