"LATER THAN YOU THINK": Part One-Trying to come to terms with her husband's legacy, Sara McKay wanders through countless realities looking for answers to one question: what are the choices that define her, and can she help right the infinite wrongs her husband set in motion? A new chapter in BLACK SCIENCE beings here!
BLACK SCIENCE #35 is low on action but high on characterization and emotive story-telling. It's a stellar start to "Later Than You Think" as the series heads towards its conclusion. Read Full Review
Despite the Sci-fi trappings of inter-dimensionality, Black Science continues to be a story about people, what they do to each other and what they mean to each other. Read Full Review
Bottom Line: This is yet another one of those issues Remender excels at that takes you on what seems like a gentle stroll and then turns into a roller coaster downwards dip towards the end. In the last leg of this stressful, visually arresting story, Black Science still hasn't failed to deliver. Read Full Review
Moreno Dinisio's coloring work this issue is really a delight, with bright colors that feed into that sense of security that makes the carpet pull at the end of the issue so delightful. Read Full Review
"Black Science" #35 begins the final arc of this epic saga, and it starts with an issue focused on character and emotion...what we have here essentially boils down to a therapy session as Grant must face his failures, and Sarah must face her reliance on men like Grant in her life. It's pretty powerful stuff, but it is also a great and suspenseful read. It's easy to forget how amazing a series like this is when it is pretty much awesome every issue...but wow, look at Scalera's art, feel the depth (and shallowness!) of the characters...this book is a great one.