Mini-Series Premiere. Science Officer Orrin Kutela finds himself stranded on a distant planet, starving and haunted by the ghosts of his dead crew. On the verge of death, he makes an astonishing discovery. Veteran writer John Arcudi (Rumble, B.P.R.D.) and illustrator Savanna Finley bring you a sci-fi/fantasy comic like no other.
The familiarity of it all is so very, very engaging in so many different ways. The starkness of one human trying to survive in a lush wilderness is brought to the page vividly and without unnecessary ornamentation. The problem begins to set-in that it might not have enough going for it beyond the basic elements of human survival. The developments that begin to move the narrative at issues end could really go in a WHOLE bunch of different directions and itll be interesting to see were Convert goes in the next issue as the narrative reaches its halfway point. Read Full Review
Finely delivers some absolutely beautiful art throughout the issue. The visuals create some amazing vistas and landscapes that capture the eye and the imagination. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed this issue, even though there were a few smaller details that were left a little too vague. I look forward to the rest of this four issue series from Image. It stands alone as an introduction to Orrin, while also ending on a really great cliffhanger: a final splash page that will surely have you pining for more of Convert! Read Full Review
The story may be familiar enough already, but there's signs that 'Convert' is moving into dangerous and compelling territory. Read Full Review
I really liked this one. Even though the concept has been done, I liked how it was written and I felt the despair in the main character.
A tale of SciFi survival. The art is solid with a nice color palette. Great lettering as well. The protaganist is trapped on beautiful planet but everything around him is seemingly toxic. Looking forward to what comes next.